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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Installation > Installation/Upgrade procedure

Troubleshoot an upgrade issue

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This section covers some of the issues, that you might hit during an upgrade of InterForm400. Remember, that you can consider to roll back an upgrade, if you get really stuck and need to get InterForm400 running again with a short notice.


1.Error during upgrade: CPF2209 in RELEXI2C at 700: Library xxx not found (or object xxx not found).

2.Error during upgrade on a mirrored system: Library APF3812 cannot be renamed APF3812OLD

3.Error after an upgrade of OS400: The contents of the spooled files generated by the email finishing definition are wrong/mixed up. (Very unlikely)

4.Roll back procedure. This describes how you can roll back an upgrade, if there is a problem immediately after an upgrade of InterForm400.



CPF2209 in RELEXI2C at 700: Library xxx not found (or object xxx not found).

You might see the error message: CPF2209 in RELEXI2C at 700: Library xxx not found (or object xxx not found) during an upgrade of InterForm400. This error message is caused by a reference in InterForm400 to a user program, that is referenced in InterForm400, but does not exist.


The purpose of the program is to scan through all user exit programs, that are referenced in InterForm400 and change the owner of the programs into QSECOFR as that is required by InterForm400 in order to allow it to run the program.


However via an import it is possible to have resources in InterForm400 e.g. AFC definitions, email finishing definitions, split definitions etc. that refers to a non-existing program. The solution to this problem simply is to answer the message with I-Ignore and let the upgrade continue.


You could/should consider to trace down the reference to this program in the InterForm400 definitions and remove the object or change the reference to an existing program.