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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Installation

Installation/Upgrade procedure

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After restoring the APF3812NEW library with one of the methods above you can now do the actual installation or upgrade. Please notice the specifics for iASP and mirrored machines (HA).


Please notice the prerequisites.


The automatic scaling of spooled files (in both the graphical designer and the green screen designer) has been changed in the 2020 versions. This has been done to match the automatic scaling of IBM Host Print Transform. This means, that the PCL/PDF output will change after an upgrade from a pre-2020 version to a 2020 (or future version) of InterForm400, so it is recommended to consider this prior to an upgrade to a 2020 version of InterForm400. A way to ensure, that the output is unchanged after an upgrade is to select a specific font and line distance on the header of the main overlay.


The installation/upgrade procedure is covered in this video:



1.Run the command: APF3812NEW/APF3812NEW.

InterForm400 will first check the authority of the user profile, that is doing the upgrade/install. If the user does not have *ALLOBJ, *SECADM and *SPLCTL as special authorities, the job will stop with an error message: CPF9898 received by APF3812NWC at 3700. (C D I R). The details of the error message indicates the reason.

2.The first screen informs you that any objects in the QTEMP library of the installation/upgrade job will be deleted (confirm with ‘G’ for ‘Go’):


                          Display Program Messages                            


Job 264723/KSE/QPADEV000B started on 28/03/14 at 08:35:43 in subsystem QBASE  

Library QTEMP will be cleared. (C G).                                          















Type reply, press Enter.                                                      

  Reply . . . G                                                                



F3=Exit   F12=Cancel




3.The screen below will only appear, if you have added journaling of extra objects in the journal APF3812/APFJRN. The screen will show a list of any objects, that are normally not journaled in InterForm400:


       Objects journaled to APF3812/APFJRN prevents upgrade.        JRN440D  


Please end journaling to be able to upgrade. To end journaling use one or      

more of the following commands: ENDJRN, ENDJRNPF and/or ENDJRNOBJ.            

Press Enter to continue.                                                      


Type        Object                                                            

*FILE       APF3812/APFLCKP                                                    















F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                          



If you see the screen above, you are probably trying to upgrade InterForm400 on a mirrored machine, where the journal is used for replicating changes. What you need to do is to end journaling for each object mentioned above e.g. with the commands:





Refer to this for more information of how to solve this. After ending journaling you need to restart the upgrade again with the command APF3812NEW/APF3812NEW.


4. At the next screen you are asked to confirm that you agree with the End User License Agreement:


         Accept InterForm400 End User License Agreement               EUA200D  




THE FOLLOWING INTERFORM A/S TERMS.                                            

InterForm A/S (Licensor)                                                      

END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT                                                    


Concerning the licensing of the Software InterForm400 and modules              

(hereinafter referred to as "the Software").                                  


Intellectual property rights                                                  


The Licensor holds the copyright and all other intellectual property rights    

to the Software and all future versions and upgrades hereof.                  


The Licensee is not entitled to change or remove any notice on copyright,      

trademarks or any other rights marked on the Software or the data media.      


Scope of the license                                                          



F3=Exit   F12=Cancel   F16=Accept EULA                                        



Please notice, that there are more than this screen. Press the <Page Down> key to view the other screens and press <F16> to accept this license agreement. After the installation/upgrade this agreement can be viewed from the menu by selecting option ‘70. Configuration and licences’ followed by option ‘60. Display InterForm400 End User License Agreement’.



5.For an upgrade InterForm400 now tests, if any user exit programs called by InterForm400 are not owned by QSECOFR (They must be owned by QSECOFR because of security). If any such programs are called from the current InterForm400 installation they are listed below:

(You will not see the screen, if all is OK).


                                                        System . . :  INTER03  


*                          Security changes required                         *

*                                                                            *

*  Owner of all InterForm exit programs must be changed to QSECOFR           *

*                                                                            *

*  Press F10 to change owner to QSECOFR.                                     *

*  Press F3 or F12 to cancel.                                                *

*                                                                            *



Program     Library     Description                                            

TEST_AUT    KSE         Sample source for a AFC function-8 program            










F3=Exit   F10=Change owner to QSECOFR   F12=Cancel                            


You need to  confirm the change of object owner for all the programs with F10 before the installation proceeds.


Now InterForm400 will verify the validity of the APF3812NEW library. The number of objects in the APF3812NEW must match the expected number of objects (according to the save file, that Interform has shipped). If the number of objects does not match, then this screen will inform you:


INS0115                 InterForm400 version 2018.M01                 PMK250


Cannot install InterForm400. Invalid APF3812NEW library exists.              


Not all objects restored.                                                    


Do one of the following:                                                    


1. Rename library APF3812NEW.                                                

2. Backup library APF3812NEW and delete it.                                  


Press Enter to retry.                                                        






 3231 /       3230                                                          





F3=Exit   F12=Cancel  



- in the screen above an object is missing: InterForm400 expected 3231 objects in the APF3812NEW library, but found 3230, so the upgrade has stopped - waiting for you to restore the remaining object(s).


Please notice, that if you have added additional objects to the APF3812NEW library prior to an upgrade, the similar screen is also shown i.e. the number of objects must match exactly - not to few and not too many objects are allowed.


6. You are now prompted to choose your preferred language for the installation:


                        InterForm 400 version 2018.M01               INTER02  


DE: Wählen Sie bitte eine Sprache aus, während verwendet zu werden installieren

    Eingabetaste --> Weiter                                                    


DK: Vælg sprog for instruktioner under denne installation.                    

    Tryk på Enter for at fortsætte.                                            


ES: Seleccione por favor un lenguaje para ser utilizado durante instalan.      

    Pulse Intro para continuar.                                                


FR: Veuillez choisir la langue à utiliser pendant l'installation.              

    Appuyez sur ENTREE pour continuer.                                        


EN: Please select a language to be used during install.                        

    Press Enter to continue.                                                  


PT: Favor selecionar uma língua a ser usada durante a instalação.              

    Aperte Enter para continuar.                                              


EN  DE=Deutsch, DK=Dansk, EN=English,  

    ES=Españoles, FR=Français, PT=Português                                                                          

F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                          



7.The Installation will automatically detect, if an older version of InterForm400 is already installed, and if so, the following screen will be displayed:  


INS0104                InterForm 400 version 2018M01                INTER02


A previous version of InterForm 400 is currently installed.          


Current version  . . . . . . :   2017M04                          


Library  . . . . . . . . . . :   APF3812                        


Press Enter to continue.      







8.Now you will be prompted for entry of the InterForm400 license code - unless your machine is a known machine (that has maintenance) by the installation program, then it will know the license code and just proceed. If you enter a code here it will be validated. You can also leave it blank, but then you cannot use InterForm400, before a valid code has been entered.


In general a new license code is needed, if you upgrade to a new year version e.g. from a 2017 (or earlier version) onto a 2018 (or future) version of InterForm400.        


 Work with licence information                                LIC350D  


  InterForm 400 version . . :  2018.M01                                        

  Model / Feature . . . . . :  270  22A2                                      

  Serial number . . . . . . :  65BD1BB                                        

  Operating system  . . . . :  V5R3M000                                        


Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  2=Change  5=Display                                                          


Opt   License code                                                            

 _    Production key            Not applied                                      

 _    Test key                  Not applied                                    

 _    Mirroring key-1           Not applied                                    

 _    Mirroring key-2           Not applied                                    








F3=Exit                F12=Cancel=Cancel                                                                                                                                        


9.If InterWord400 is installed, and a newer version is included InterForm400 will now also upgrade InterWord400: (Press F10=Confirm to proceed).


INS0137                 InterForm 400 version 2018.M01                INTER03  


Note. InterWord400 400 will be upgraded during this installation              





An active version of InterWord 400 has been found and will be upgraded.    


InterWord 400 cannot be used during the installation so make sure          

all users have logget out of InterWord 400.                                    




Press F10 to accept and continue installation.                                

Press F3 to abort installation or press F12 to return to previous display.    







F3=Exit   F10=Confirm   F12=Cancel                                            




10.In the following screen you can set the preferred language used in InterForm400. The language of the menus can be changed later if needed. This is done by option 2 at the Administration menu to change the global settings for InterForm400 or use option 4 to select language for specific InterForm400 users.


InterForm400 CL commands like MRGSPLFPDF, APF3812 etc. will be installed in the language chosen here, and can not be changed unless a re-installation is made.


INS0121                 InterForm 400 version 2018.M01                   INTER03


Select primary language, press Enter.                                      


Primary language . . . . . . .   EN   DE=Deutsch, DK=Dansk, EN=English,  

                                      ES=Españoles, FR=Français, PT=Português      



Primary language is used for:                                              

1. The language of commands.                                              

2. The language of displays.                                              




Language of commands can only be selected during install.                  

Primary language can be changed at the administration menu option 2.      




F3=Exit   F12=Cancel



11. It is advisable to use Journal APFJRN in library APF3812. This journal is created during installation, if used.

If you choose a journal in another library, this journal must already exist.


INS0122                 InterForm 400 version 2018.M01                  INTER03


Select journal, press Enter.                                              


Journal  . . . . . . . . . . .   APFJRN___                                    

  Library  . . . . . . . . . .     APF3812___                                



If a journal is selected, changes are recorded to a journal receiver.      


It is recommend to use the journal APFJRN in library APF3812.              

This journal will be created during install, if used.                      


If you select a journal in a other library this journal must already exist.







12.The installation guide now gives you an overview of parameters you have chosen, for the installation of InterForm400. Press F16 to start installation. Note that Status messages will be shown at the bottom of the screen during installation.

 INS0129                InterForm 400 version 2018.M01                 PMK250


Start installation with selected options.                                    


Device . . . . . . . . . . . :   APF3812NEW                                  

  Category . . . . . . . . . :     *LIB                                      

ASP device . . . . . . . . . :   *SYSASP                                    

Primary language . . . . . . :   EN                                          

Journal  . . . . . . . . . . :   APFJRN                                      

  Library  . . . . . . . . . :     APF3812                                  


Start subsystems . . . . . . :   1=Start subsystems                          


Current version  . . . . . . :   2016.M01                                  

Library  . . . . . . . . . . :   APF3812                                    




Press F16 to install.                                                        



F3=Exit   F8=Locked objects   F12=Cancel   F16=Upgrade InterForm            


13.If any jobs outside any of the InterForm400 subsystems has a lock on any object in the APF3812 library, then the installation cannot proceed and will halt with this screen when/if you press F16:

(When there are no more object locks you can press Enter on the screen below to retry and the installation/upgrade will proceed, if there are not more locks).


INS0150                InterForm 400 version 2018.M01                  PMK250  


Found locked objects in library APF3812.                                      


Locked objects in library APF3812 poses a potential problem for the upgrade.  


Press Enter to retry.                                                          


Press F8 to view a list of objects currently locked by jobs running outside    

subsystems that will be ended during upgrade.                                  


Press F10 to continue the install with the locks in effect. The upgrade will  

probably end in error. *** This is NOT recommended ***                        


Press F3 to exit the install.                                                  








F3=Exit   F8=Locked objects   F10=Ignore warning   F12=Cancel                  



14.If you press F8 on the screen above, you will be able to see the objects currently locked by ‘outside jobs’:


         Locked objects in library APF3812                            LCK100D  


Type options, press Enter.                                                    



Opt   Object      Type      Attribute                                          

   APFMSTP     *FILE     PF                                                
















F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel                                              



15.With option 5=WRKOBJLCK you can check out the job, that has locked the file, and make sure that the lock is released before resuming:


                            Work with Object Locks                            

                                                            System:   PMK250  

Object . . . . :   APFMSTP               Type . . . . . :   *FILE-PHY          

  Library  . . :     APF3812             ASP device . . :   *SYSBAS            


Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  4=End job   5=Work with job   8=Work with job locks                          


Opt   Job          User         Lock      Status          Scope     Thread    

   QPADEV000B   KSE          *SHRRD     HELD           *JOB                

                                *SHRRD     HELD           *JOB                












F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Work with member locks   F12=Cancel  



Press F16 to start the update.


After the upgrade/install you should consider to install the latest PTFs for the installed version.


If you hit an issue during or directly after the upgrade, then you should refer to the section, Troubleshoot an upgrade issue.



Java version

General setup of the Java version to use is covered here:


For InterForm400 you can however overrule the general java version selected by setting up the path to the java version in the data area: APF3812/JAVA_HOME. The current contents of the data area can be displayed with the command:




A specific java version can be setup like below:

CHGDTAARA DTAARA(APF3812/JAVA_HOME *ALL) VALUE('/QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/JavaVM/jdk80/64bit')                                                              

(To setup InterForm400 to use the 64 bit version of Java 1.8)


Please note:

If you had any spool files in any output queues in library APF3812 before this update, these spool files are now in the output queues in library APF3812OLD, preserving the names of the original output queues.

You should keep the old InterForm400 library (APF3812OLD) on the system until you are sure that your new InterForm400 version is all working to your full satisfaction. Then you can delete the library APF3812OLD.