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Page Builder Spooled file command

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The Page Builder Spooled File Command


Programmers can create a changed version of an existing SCS spooled file by using the InterForm400 PageBuilder feature.


The Page Builder feature is invoked by entering the Create PageBuilder Spooled File command (APF3812/CRTPBSPLF).


Prior to using the PageBuilder feature, a PageBuilder program must be created. This program must be specified for the PAGBLDPGM parameter on the CRTPBSPLF command.



Description of the Create PageBuilder Spooled File command, CRTPBSPLF



                   Create PageBuilder Spooled File (CRTPBSPLF)                  


Type choices, press Enter.                                                    


PageBuilder program  . . . . . .  PAGBLDPGM    __________    Name    

  Library  . . . . . . . . . . .                 __________  Name    

Data parameter definition:        DTAPARM     _                    

  Find 'string'  . . . . . . . .               __________    Value, *PAGE, *ANY

  String length  . . . . . . . .               *STR__        1-256, *STR

  Return length  . . . . . . . .               *STRLEN       1-256, *STRLEN  

  Minimum line . . . . . . . . .               ______        1-255      

  Maximum line . . . . . . . . .               ______        1-255      

  Minimum starting position  . .               ______        1-378      

  Maximum starting position  . .               ______        1-378    

               + for more values              _                              

Spooled file . . . . . . . . . .  FILE         __________    Name      

Job name . . . . . . . . . . . .  JOB          *_________    Name, *    

  User . . . . . . . . . . . . .                 __________  Name    

  Number . . . . . . . . . . . .                 ______      000000-999999  

Spooled file number  . . . . . .  SPLNBR             *LAST_  1-9999,*ONLY,*LAST

Application ID parameter . . . .  APPIDPARM    _______________________________


Output queue . . . . . . . . . .  OUTQ         *INPUT____    Name, *INPUT

  Library  . . . . . . . . . . .                 __________  Name, *LIBL

Form type  . . . . . . . . . . .  FORMTYPE     *INPUT____    Character value

Output spooled file name . . . .  SPLFNAME     *INPUT____    Name, *INPUT


F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    

F24=More keys                                                                  





                  Create PageBuild Spooled File (CRTPBSPLF)                  


Type choices, press Enter.                                                    


Page size:                       PAGESIZE                                      

 Length . . . . . . . . . . . .               *INPUT     1-255, *INPUT                  

 Width  . . . . . . . . . . . .               *INPUT     1-378, *INPUT                  















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F24=More keys                                                                  




First the CRTPBSPLF command calls the PageBuilder program (specified by the PAGBLDPGM keyword) with parameter 1 = ‘STR’.

Then the CRTPBSPLF command reads all pages from the input spooled file specified by the FILE, JOB and SPLNBR keywords.

For every page in the spooled file the PageBuilder program is called having parameter 1 = ‘PAG’ and parameter DATA01-DATA10 equal to the data found on the active page according to the values for the DTAPARM keyword - unless you use *PAGE then the contents of the current page is transferred in an array 378 char wide by 255.

The PageBuilder program now updates parameters (DATA01-DATA10) according to program logic - or the array if you use *PAGE.

The CRTPBSPLF command creates a new page in a new SCS spooled file with the updated values (DATA01-DATA10).

After processing all pages your PageBuilder program is called once more having parameter 1=’END’



The parameters of the command are these:




The PageBuilder program that the command is to call for each page.




Use this to define each of parameters DATA01-DATA10. Insert a '+' in the first or last line to insert and define another DATA field. Each of the DATA fields are defined like this:


Find 'string':        

Type in e.g. *PAGE to transfer the contents of  whole spooled file page to the page builder program without the use of DATA01-DATA10. Use of *ANY tells that you do not want to search after any specific text. Other values are interpreted as a string to search for in each spooled file page.


NOTE: If you use *PAGE for Find string, the rest of the fields for DTAPARM are ignored.


String length:

The length of the string to search for/compare with in 'Find string'. Use of *STR indicates that you want to use the length of the that string.


Return length:

The number of characters to insert in the spooled file from the DATAxx, that is returned from the page builder program.


Minimum/maximum line:

The interval of lines in the spooled file to search for the string. If you know what line you want to use just specify this for both.


Minimum/maximum starting position:

The interval of positions to search in the spooled file for the 'Find string'.


Pass data from position:

You can pass some spooled file data from the line where the string of text is found onto the page builder program (in DATAxx). Here you state the starting position of this text. Use *STRPOS to use the position where 'Find string' text is found.


Pass data length:

Works like the previous field. This just determines the length of

the spooled file data to move to the page builder program.



Spooled file name of the *SCS spooled file to operate on.



Job name, user profile and job number of the input spooled file.



Input spooled file number.



Application ID parameter. This is transfered onto the page builder program as a parameter. This can be useful if you e.g. want to call the same pagebuilder program from different uses of the CRTPBSPLF command.



The output queue where the new and changed spooled file will be created. *INPUT will make the command create the new spooled file on the same output queue as the original spooled file.



The formtype of the new, changed spooled file.



The name of the new spooled file.



The size (height and length) of the new spooled file created by the command. The default values, *INPUT will use the number of lines and positions from the input spooled file. If you need more space e.g. for new texts, then you can use this to extend the size.




CRTPBSPLF        PAGBLDPGM(LIB1/BPSAMP)DTAPARM((‘INVOICE NO’ 10 10 1 80 51 51) (*ANY 9 9 11 11 12 12))



This will process the last QSYSPRT spooled file for the current job, calling the program BPSAMP in library LIB1 for every page in this spooled file.


Keyword DTAPARM describes where to find the values for parameters DATA01-DATA10 (see PageBuilder program parameters below) which are passed to program BPSAMP.


(‘INVOICE NO’ 10 10 1 80 51 51) = specification of DATA01.

Value will be ‘INVOICE NO’ (or blank if not found in line 1-80 position 51).

Length = 10 characters.

Length = 10 characters, when returned from the program BPSAMP,


(*ANY 9 9 11 11 12 12) = specification of DATA02.

*ANY indicate whatever found (in line 11 position 12).

Pass 9 characters to program BPSAMP

Return 9 characters from program BPSAMP.


NOTE: The DATA01-DATA10 parameters can be used for searching for a specific text in the spooled file. Note however that they return/find only the FIRST occurrence on the page.


PageBuilder program parameters


Parameter #







CRTPBSPLF call option STR, PAG or END




Value from the APPIDPARM keyword




DATA01 (input from spool file - DTAPARM)




DATA02 (input from spool file - DTAPARM)




DATAxx (input from spool file - DTAPARM)




DATA10 (input from spool file - DTAPARM)


For example of sources for a Page Builder Program see member PAGBLDPGM and PAGBLDPGM2 in source file APF3812/APISRC. PAGBLDPGM2 illustrates how to use the *PAGE option.


The *PAGE option is normally the easiest to implement.