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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Barcodes

UPS MaxiCode

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The UPS MaxiCode is supported for Zebra and Intermec printers.

The font number for UPS Maxi code is 1998. There is only one definition for this barcode, so it is not possible to change anything in the font definition.


There are 5 modes for the barcode:

2 - Structured Carier Message with numeric postal code 9 digits (USA)

3 - Structured Carier Message alphanumeric postal code (Non USA) 6 characters

4 - Standard Symbol

5 - Full EEC

6 - Reader Programming


Font number 1998 can be used with remap window, with tabulators and with text constants. The text must start with the mode number followed by a colon. After that the message to be in the barcode.


For mode 2 and 3, there are very strict rules for the beginning of the message called ”high priority message”

In mode 2 the the high priority message begins with a 9 digit postal code, then a 3 digit contry code (840 for USA), and now a 3 digit class of service code.


In mode 3 the high priority message must start with a 6 character postal code (truncated to 6 if longer, padded with blanks if shorter), then a 3 digit contry code followed by a 3 digit class of service.


For mode 2 and 3 the high priority message is followed by a ”low priority message”, normally starting with [)> (there is a description of the low priority message available from UPS).


For mode 4 – 6 there is no division between high and low priority message, whatever data you send will be encoded.

In all modes there will be control characters outside the printable area. They has to be entered like this <GS> for group seperator with hex value X'1D'. The following values can be used:


<NUL> null

<SOH> start of heading

<STX> start of text

<ETX> end of text

<EOT> end of transmision

<ENQ> enquiry

<ACK> acknowledge

<BEL> bell

<BS> backspace

<HT> horizontal tabulation

<LF> line feed

<FF> form feed

<CR> carriage return

<SO> shift out

<SI> shift in

<DLE> data link escape

<DC1> device control 1 or X-ON