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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: XML output > InterXML Module

XML file validation

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It is very important, that e.g. output invoice XML files are validated, so that you can be sure, that you have built a valid XML invoice. The validation is defined in this option:



         Change XML definition                                        XML300D  


XML definition name  . . :   AAAXML                                            

Description  . . . . . . :   XML Demo splf to Demo XML                        


XSD validation file  . . .                                                    



XSLT validation file . . .                                                    



  Xpath error expression .                                                    





Enter *EHF as XSD validation file to validate document

according to no.difi.vefa validator-core 2.0.2.                                      




F3=Exit   F12=Cancel   F13=Select spooled file                              



Please note, that the *EHF option on the XSD field requires Java 7.


You can check the output file with the XSD file mentioned above. You should type the complete path and filename in the IFS here.


The XSLT file should also be stated as the full path in the IFS. The output file from the XSLT transformation is then used for the Xpath error expression, which should return a boolean (true if the validation is OK and false if the validation failed).