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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: XML output > InterXML Module

Creating the XML+ structure

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For XML invoicing there are strict rules for the output XML file layout and contents. Such rules are normally described in quite complex documents and XSD’s (XML Schema Definitions). The problem with such descriptions is normally, that it is hard to ‘translate’ such descriptions into a real example.


It is our experience, that getting a proper XML output sample makes the process much more easy.

It is possible to manually build up the complete XML file manually, but it is recommended import a sample XML file instead, and map the input spooled file data into that.


Manual build up/edit of the XML structure is described here, but with XML+ there are some extra tools available to build up the output XML format. You can e.g. let InterForm400 insert a subtree for each detail line in the input spooled file via option Line type repeats.


Below some specifics for the XML+ module are described.


The XML structure is defined via this option:



         Change XML definition                                        XML300D  


XML definition name  . . :   AAAXML                                            

Description  . . . . . . :   XML Demo splf to Demo XML                        


Type options, press Enter.                                                    



Opt    Definition                                                              

       XML output file and exit program                                        

       Page type definitions                                                  

       Line type definitions                                                  

 1     XML structure and data                                                  

       Line type repeats                                                      

       XML file validation                                                    








F3=Exit   F12=Cancel   F13=Select spooled file                                



After selecting this option, you will see this screen:



         Work with XML nodes                                          XML350D  


XML definition name . :   AAAXML                                              


Position to . . . . . .           Sequence number                              


Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   5=Display   12=Field definitions              


Opt  SeqNbr  XML path                                                          

         10  /Root                                                            

         20  /Root/Document                                                    

         30  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        

         40  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        

         50  /Root//Document                                                  

         60  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        

         70  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        

         80  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        

         90  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        

        100  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        

        110  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        


F3=Exit   F6=Create   F10=Service functions   F11=View 2   F12=Cancel          





F10=Service functions

With F10=Service functions you have some extra features compared to XML classic:



                      Service functions                    


1. Copy line(s)                                            

2. Import xml file from stream file in /APF3812Home/work    

3. Display imported xml file                                

4. Copy from imported xml file to current definition        

5. Resequence definition                                




F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                                                                      



Each option is described below:


1. Copy line(s)

With this you can copy nodes in the output XML structure. After selecting this you state the interval of lines to copy and the destination line number. If you e.g. have an XML file with these lines:



         Work with XML nodes                                          XML350D  


XML definition name . :   AAAXML                                              


Position to . . . . . .           Sequence number                              


Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   5=Display   12=Field definitions              


Opt  SeqNbr  XML path                                                          

        120  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        

        130  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        

        140  /Root//Document                                                  

        150  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        

        160  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        








F3=Exit   F6=Create   F10=Service functions   F11=View 2   F12=Cancel          



Then you can copy lines 140-160 and insert them at the end like so:



                          Copy line(s)        


 Node sequence . . . . .   140   - 160        


 Insert at node sequence   170                






F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                          



Whereby the result will look like this:



         Work with XML nodes                                          XML350D  


XML definition name . :   AAAXML                                              


Position to . . . . . .           Sequence number                              


Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   5=Display   12=Field definitions              


Opt  SeqNbr  XML path                                                          

        120  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        

        130  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        

        140  /Root//Document                                                  

        150  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        

        160  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        

        170  /Root//Document                                                  

        180  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        

        190  /Root/Document/DetailLine                                        





F3=Exit   F6=Create   F10=Service functions   F11=View 2   F12=Cancel          





2. Import xml file from stream file in /APF3812Home/work

With this option you can copy an existing XML file and use the structure from this when you are mapping data from the input spooled file into the output XML file. The XML file must be placed in the IFS inside /APF3812Home/Work.


When you select this option you will see this:



    Import xml file from stream file in /APF3812Home/work        


Stream file name  . . .                                          






Option  . . . . . . . .   1   1=Import only, 2=Import and        

                              append to current definition      

F3=Exit   F4=List   F12=Cancel                                    



You can press F4 to view all XML files inside /APF3812Home/Work, and here select the stream file with option 1 to copy it into the screen or type in the name manually.


Here you have these options:


1=Import only

With this option you can later chose to copy fractions of the XML file instead of the complete file. The contents is on placed in ‘limbo’ for future copies. The fractions can be copied with option 4. Copy from imported xml file to current definition.


2=Import and append to current definition

This option imports the selected XML file, and copies/appends it to the current list of nodes. All contents is copied.




3. Display imported xml file

With this option you can view the original XML file, that you have previously imported. You can view the complete XML file structure, fields and contents.




4. Copy from imported xml file to current definition

Before you can use this option you need to have imported an XML file first. The import is done via option 2. Import xml file from stream file in /APF3812Home/work as described above. You can check out the contents of the import XML file via option 3. Display imported xml file. You specify the lines to copy and destination like so:



      Copy from imported xml file to current definition          


Node sequence . . . . .       1 -    10                          


Insert at node sequence     100                                  






F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                              




If the destination node sequence number already exists, then the node(s) are inserted just above this sequence number.




5. Resequence definition

With this option all line sequence numbers are changed, so that the interval is 10.




Using XPath for field/attribute values

The assignment of values to fields and attributes is generally described here. However this does not describe the option to use Xpath to assign a value. If you select option 12=Field definitions for a node, then you can work with the fields/attributes in this node. If you here edit a field/attribute you will see this:



         Change field definition                                      XML361D  


XML definition name  . . :   AAAXML                                            

Sequence number  . . . . :      10                                            

XML path . . . . . . . . :   /Root                                            


Field sequence . . . . . .      10                                            

Field  . . . . . . . . . .   Demo                                              

Attribute  . . . . . . . .                                                    

Description  . . . . . . .                                                    


Page type(s) . . . . . . .                                                    

Line type  . . . . . . . .                                                    

  Use relative line  . . .               Y=Yes, N=No                          

Line . . . . . . . . . . .                                                    

From position  . . . . . .                                                    

To position  . . . . . . .                                                    

Length . . . . . . . . . .                                                    


Operator . . . . . . . . .               F4=List                              

Compare value  . . . . . .                                                    


F3=Exit   F4=List   F12=Cancel   F13=Select spooled file                      



Press <Page Down> for this screen to appear:



         Change field definition                                      XML361D  


XML definition name  . . :   AAAXML                                            

Sequence number  . . . . :      10                                            

XML path . . . . . . . . :   /Root                                            


Xpath expression . . . . .                                                    








Decimal positions  . . . . 2                                                


Functions  . . . . . . . .                                        





F3=Exit   F4=List   F10=Constant/xpath                                    End  

F12=Cancel   F13=Select spooled file                                          




You can select between Constant and Xpath with the F10. In the example above a constant is defined and combined with the ‘Decimal positions’ option in the bottom. The result is, that the numeric value, 100 is inserted in the output XML file as ‘100.00', because:

a) We set the number of decimal positions to 2.

b) The decimal point is a dot in ‘correct’ XML format - independent of the local preferences ;-)


An Xpath expression can refer to the contents of the output XML file, but it can also refer to an internal field, which is not included in the final XML output.


If you create multiple Xpath expressions with references to other nodes, which may also use Xpath functions, then InterForm400 will automatically calculate the expressions in the correct order.


Xpath is e.g. described here:


You can also find Xpath examples in the InterFormNG manual.


If you want to test various Xparth expressions you can use these sites:


If you e.g. want to calculate the sum of the amounts in all detail lines in this XML file:




Then you can use this Xpath expression:



Please note, that all Xpath functions must be written in lower case.




Definition of an internal field

An internal field must be defined in a namespace, which refers to in the URI. The URI should just start with this, so e.g. is also a valid URI.The name of the namespace can be selected freely, but a suggestions could be ‘if’ or ‘internal’. With this in mind we add such a namespace in the root node of the output XML file like so:



        Copy field definition                                        XML361D  


XML definition name  . . :   AXMLDEMO                                          

Sequence number  . . . . :       1                                            

XML path . . . . . . . . :   /root                                            


Field sequence . . . . . .       1                                            

Field  . . . . . . . . . .                                                    

Attribute  . . . . . . . .   xmlns:if                                          

Description  . . . . . . .                                                    


Page type(s) . . . . . . .                                                    

Line type  . . . . . . . .                                                    

 Use relative line  . . .               Y=Yes, N=No                          

Line . . . . . . . . . . .                                                    

From position  . . . . . .                                                    

To position  . . . . . . .                                                    

Length . . . . . . . . . .                                                    


Operator . . . . . . . . .               F4=List                              

Compare value  . . . . . .                                                    


F3=Exit   F4=List   F12=Cancel   F13=Select spooled file                        



Page Down shows this:



         Copy field definition                                        XML361D  


XML definition name  . . :   AXMLDEMO                                          

Sequence number  . . . . :       1                                            

XML path . . . . . . . . :   /root                                            


Constant . . . . . . . . .                                                                                                









Functions  . . . . . . . .                                                    





F3=Exit   F4=List   F10=Constant/xpath                                    End  

F12=Cancel   F13=Select spooled file                                          




After we have defined a namespace, which refers to, we can now create fields, that refers to this namespace in the syntax <namespace>:<field> like below:



        Copy field definition                                        XML361D  


XML definition name  . . :   AXMLDEMO                                          

Sequence number  . . . . :       1                                            

XML path . . . . . . . . :   /root                                            


Field sequence . . . . . .       1                                            

Field  . . . . . . . . . .                                                    

Attribute  . . . . . . . .   if:demo                                          

Description  . . . . . . .                                                    


Page type(s) . . . . . . .                                                    

Line type  . . . . . . . .                                                    

 Use relative line  . . .               Y=Yes, N=No                          

Line . . . . . . . . . . .                                                    

From position  . . . . . .                                                    

To position  . . . . . . .                                                    

Length . . . . . . . . . .                                                    


Operator . . . . . . . . .               F4=List                              

Compare value  . . . . . .                                                    


F3=Exit   F4=List   F12=Cancel   F13=Select spooled file                      



The value of the field can be set to data found in the input spooled file, an Xpath expression referring to field from either the XML and/or internal fields and constants.


When you refer to an internal field in an Xpath expression you can do it like so:




In this Xpath expression we are adding an ‘x’ to the end of the internal field, demo with the Xpath command, concat.




Enabling/use of internal XPath functions

InterForm400 comes with some extra, internal Xpath functions - apart from the many, normal Xpath functions. Before you can use these extra functions you need to add an extra namespace with the URI:


The namespace should be added in the root node, and can be defined like this:



        Copy field definition                                        XML361D  


XML definition name  . . :   AXMLDEMO                                          

Sequence number  . . . . :       1                                            

XML path . . . . . . . . :   /root                                            


Field sequence . . . . . .       1                                            

Field  . . . . . . . . . .                                                    

Attribute  . . . . . . . .   xmlns:fnc                                        

Description  . . . . . . .                                                    


Page type(s) . . . . . . .                                                    

Line type  . . . . . . . .                                                    

 Use relative line  . . .               Y=Yes, N=No                          

Line . . . . . . . . . . .                                                    

From position  . . . . . .                                                    

To position  . . . . . . .                                                    

Length . . . . . . . . . .                                                    


Operator . . . . . . . . .               F4=List                              

Compare value  . . . . . .                                                    


F3=Exit   F4=List   F12=Cancel   F13=Select spooled file                        



The screen shown with <Page Down> should be setup like this:



         Copy field definition                                        XML361D  


XML definition name  . . :   AXMLDEMO                                          

Sequence number  . . . . :       1                                            

XML path . . . . . . . . :   /root                                            


Constant . . . . . . . . .                                                                                      









Functions  . . . . . . . .                                                    





F3=Exit   F4=List   F10=Constant/xpath                                    End  

F12=Cancel   F13=Select spooled file                                          



Above we define a namespace called fnc, but the name, fnc can be freely chosen. You just need to refer to the same namespace, when you want to use the internal functions.


These internal Xpath functions are available:



This function is able to add days to a specific date. The format is:

DateAddDays(<Date>,<Days to add>), where the Date format is written as ‘yyyy-mm-dd’.


fnc:DateAddDays(/default:Invoice/cbc:IssueDate , /default:Invoice/internal:PayDays)




This function inserts a new line in the XML output file.        


concat(../internal:paytext1, '.', fnc:NewLine(), ../internal:paytext2)




Converts a stream file into a Base64 data stream, which can be inserted in the XML file.






This function can be used for getting a value by lookup in a properties file (a stream file) with a key. A properties file an be created with the command:        

APF3812/CRTPRPF. You can create the properties anywhere in the IFS and you need to state the full path. (The folders in the path must exist).


The properties file can be edited with e.g. Notepad or with the command:

APF3812/WRKPRPFE e.g. like this:

APF3812/WRKPRPFE STMF('/apf3812home/xml/translation_de.xml')

In the command you use e.g. F6 to add new entries in the properties file.


This properties file can look like this:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">


 <entry key="Invoice">Rechnung</entry>

 <entry key="Total_amount">Gesamtbetrag</entry>

 <entry key="VAT">Mehrwertsteuer</entry>



You can retrieve a value from a property file with the command, RTVPRPFE in a program:


APF3812/RTVPRPFE  STMF('/apf3812home/xml/translation_de.xml')  KEY(Invoice)  VALUE(&RETURNVAL)            


The command above retrieves the value from the properties file, which corresponds to the ‘Invoice’ key, which in this example could be the german word for Invoice i.e. ‘Rechnung’. The Xpath function below does the same:



fnc:PropertiesFileGetByKey('/apf3812home/xml/translation_de.xml' 'Invoice')  


Please note, that the encoding of the stream file must be set as the attribute of the XML stream file is used for the lookup. You can display the encoding with this command:


QSH CMD('attr /apf3812home/xml/translation_de.xml CCSID')


If the attribute does not fit the contents, then you can set it with either of these commands:

(In these examples the CCSID is set to 1208, which is the same as UTF-8).

CHGATR OBJ('/apf3812Home/xml/translation_de.xml') ATR(*CCSID) VALUE(1208)

QSH CMD('attr /apf3812Home/xml/translation_de.xml CCSID=1208')


Please note, that you need to precede the internal XPath commands with the namespace, that you defined yourself.




Line type repeats

Some nodes/subtrees in the output XML file should be repeated for each detail line in the input spooled file. You define exactly which nodes/subtrees to repeat via this option:



         Work with repeat line types                                  XML320D  


Position to . . . . . .                Line type                              


Type options, press Enter.                                                    



Opt  Line type   From sequence       To sequence                              

  DETAIL            40                60                                    













F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                          



All line types you have defined are shown in the screen above. For each of the line types, you can tell InterForm400 to repeat an interval of the sequence numbers shown in option XML structure and data. In the example above the sequence lines 40-60 are repeated for each DETAIL line.