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InterFormNG Manual 2020

A digital pkcs12 certificate ((PKCS#12  w/ x.509 certificate) can be bought from various, trusted suppliers.


For test purposes you can order a free trial signature now e.g. from this web site:


It looks like this:




If you click the top right Download link (Test Bruger (gyldig)- PKCS12) - or use this link:


- then you will download a valid digital signature, that you can use for testing. The password needed to open the file is ‘Test1234'. This .p12 file can directly be used in InterFormNG as a digital signature.


The second line (Test Bruger (spærret)) is a sample, test certificate, that has been revoked, so if you want to test that, then you can download the PKCS12 link in that line via this link:


You can place the certificate file anywhere, and later refer to the complete path, or you can place it is {INTERFORMNG_HOME}/resources/certificates, and then you only need to refer to the file name and subdirectories - if used.



If you have fixed the prerequisites you can now start to digitally sign PDF files. This is simply done by assigning values to these meta data keys:


Meta data key



The certificate file. Should contain the absolute path or the path relative to {INTERFORMNG_HOME}\resources\certificates.


A pkcs#12 is able to contain multiple certificates. So you need to state the alias of the one to use.


The password needed to open certificate file.


Below is an example of how this can be setup.