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InterFormNG Manual 2020

The Spool2XML module is relevant for the IBM i (iSeries / AS400) platform only. If you have installed InterFormNG on this platform, then Spool2XML is also installed.


On the IBM i platform InterformNG and Spool2XML is linked very close, so that you e.g. can start and stop the required subsystem for InterFormNG via the Spool2XML menu.


This section functions both as a partial manual for InterFormNG for the IBM i platform and also as a manual for Spool2XML. If you just want to install and use InterFormNG (and not Spool2XML),

you should follow the normal install procedure, and then check this section for details, of how you run InterFormNG on the IBM I platform.


The idea of the following procedure is to give you a safe and easy start with the Spool2XML system.


The main feature of Spool2XML is, that it is able to transform Spooled files into XML files without the need to change the original printing programs. A prerequisite for this is, that the

application is using externally described printer files. Spool2XML is able to convert an existing printer file into another printer file which creates a temporary spooled file. The temporary

spooled file will then be converted into XML. The conversion will keep all data fields defined in the printer file, but ignore any fixed texts.

The installation includes the product, InterFormNG, which is able to merge an XML file with a template and create a merged, graphical result.


Specifics for running InterFormNG on the IBM i platform should be observed.



The related sections are:


1.Installation/upgrade of Spool2XML/InterFormNG on the IBM i platform.

2.General description of Spool2XML.

3.The IFORMNG menu.