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InterFormNG Manual 2020

Navigation: Modules for InterFormNG > Automotive Package

Workflow setup for the Automotive package

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When an input XML file arrives in InterFormNG, then the file will matched with the conditions for the various rules in InterFormNG. In order to ensure, that the automotive package runs as stable as possible a special workflow setup is used for the automotive package.



A prerequisite for the workflow

A very important prerequisite for the Automotive Package, when it comes to the workflow is, that if InterFormNG gets an input XML file with a node called /Data/Header/Client, then the Automotive package inspects the value, and if it fits any of the supported clients, then only the Automotive package will handle these files - not the normal Workflow.


The normal configuration of InterFormNG is stored in a json file called settings.json inside {InterFormNG_Home}\profiles\default. This file also contains the normal workflow setup (template selection). This file is normally edited via the browser interface.


For the automotive package we combine the normal configuration with another (normally) unchangeable configuration. The other, unchangeable configuration is delivered as the file, InterFormSettings.json. Any workflow configuration defined inside this file are considered first before any other normal (changeable) workflow configuration.


The special Automotive Workflow setup is shown in the Standard template selection tab below:

(The contents cannot be changed via the browser).





Any change of InterFormSettings.json should be done with caution, and normally only by InterForm employees (or your local InterForm contact).


Edit of the InterFormSettings.json file  

One way to edit the InterFormSettings.json file is to copy it to another installation (e.g. your personal PC), rename the InterFormSettings.json file into settings.json and then restart the web service. After editing the file, you should copy it back into InterFormSettings.json, and copy it back.