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InterFormNG2 Manual

If you run InterFormNG2 on the IBM i platform, then some temporary work files are not automatically deleted immediately.


But InterFormNG2 does clean up the work files later with the batch job, NG2CLEAN, which runs in the IFORMNG2 subsystem.


The NG2CLEAN job

In the IFORMNG2/IFORMNG2 subsystem you can find the job called NG2CLEAN with this status:


NG2CLEAN     IFORMNG2    BCH      .0  DLY-60           DLYW 


This means, that the job waits 60 seconds and then considers if there are old temporary files, that should be deleted. It is however not every minute, that a clean up is done as there is an extra counter, which is setup in the data area, IFORMNG2/NG2CLEAN.


You can see the contents of this data area with the command:




Then you will see this:



                              Display Data Area                             

                                                            System:   PMK250

 Data area . . . . . . . :   NG2CLEAN                                        

   Library . . . . . . . :     IFORMNG2                                      

 Type  . . . . . . . . . :   *DEC                                            

 Length  . . . . . . . . :   5 0                                             

 Text  . . . . . . . . . :   Minutes between NG2CLEAN calls                  

 Value . . . . . . . . . :   60                                              



As you can see above the current (and delivered) value is 60, which means that a cleanup is run every 60 minutes.


If you want, then you can change this schedule by changing this value. If you e.g. want to change this into 120 minutes, then you can run this command:






The IFORMNG2/NG2CLEAN command on the IBM i platform is one of the ways, that you can ensure that old, temporary work files are deleted from the system. The other is to start the IFORMNG2 subsystem manually via option 10 on the IFORMNG2 main menu.


The command has no parameters.


It is a good idea to schedule this command to be run on a regular basis e.g. by adding it to the OS400 job scheduler.


That can e.g. be done with this command:



This command adds the job, NG2CLEAN to the OS400 job scheduler to make it run each Sunday at 11 pm.

You can see all scheduled jobs with the command: WRKJOBSCDE.



if you are not using the IFORMNG2 jobd and the IFORMNG2 user for execution (as suggested above), you will need to up your system to cater for possible large joblogs.  

Adjust:   Job message queue maximum size     *SYSVAL    "OR"    Job message queue full action  .   *WRAP    "OR"   Log CL program commands  . . . .   *NO  





This command lists all data queues, that are owned by the InterFormNG2 user profile, IFORMNG2. This list can be used, if you want to search for data queues, that has been created by InterFormNG2 and delete those, that are no longer used.


The command should be run interactively, it has no parameters and it outputs a list like this directly on the screen:



---------- ---------- ------------ -------

QUSRSYS    OK               16384  111621 

QUSRSYS    MYQUEUE          16384  091620 

QUSRSYS    TEST             16384  072120 

QGPL       CD_SAVE          16384  070522 

QGPL       CD_SAVE2         16384  070522 


It is important to notice, that this is simply a list of all the data queues owned by IFORMNG2.


InterFormNG2 will create a data queue for each output queue, that it is monitoring (in the same library) and it will also connect this data queue to the output queue. If you later delete a workflow, that is monitoring an output queue the data queue and the connection to the output queue will not be removed.


It is your responsibility to verify, if the data queue is really not used before you decide to delete it with the DLTDTAQ command. If you delete a data queue, that is in use by InterFormNG2, then the workflow will no longer process the spooled files in this output queue until the data queue has been created, connected to the output queue and all spooled files pending has been held and released.



Ensure delete of old job logs on the IBM i platform

You should consider to ensure, that old job logs are really deleted. If not the disc usage will keep increasing. This is covered here.