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InterFormNG2 Manual

The advanced set meta data workflow component, Set MIME type, sets the print data stream used for the next merge to print, but it can also be used for setting the content type, that this is returned from a web service call to InterFormNG2 via REST webservice Basic or REST webservice OAuth2.0


The set MIME type component has this parameter:




Mime type

The printer data stream to be generated on subsequent merge(s) in the current workflow. The Mime type can be either selected from the drop down list or set via an XPath expression.

To identify the text to insert in an XPath expression you should consider to select the specific mime type in the drop down list, and then change to XPath via the rightmost icon.


This workflow component works like setting the workflow variable, interform.mimeType, but it is normally easier with this component.



You can choose to set the Mime-type with one of the values from drop down list:





Or you can also click the icon on the right to set the mime type via an Xpath expression:



