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InterFormNG2 Manual

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The workflow of InterFormNG2 is where you setup how the input XML files should be found, and how they should be processed.


To define or edit a workflow you need to select the WORKFLOW ribbon in the top of your browser session:




If you cannot see the WORKFLOW ribbon, then you need to sign off and sign on again and then select a tenant, or sign on as a user with access to a tenant.


The workflow section covers this:


1.How to create a new workflow.

2.How to edit a workflow

3.How to rename a workflow.

4.How to delete a workflow

5.How to hold or suspend a workflow

6.The workflow input types

7.The workflow components

8.How to define a sub-workflow. You can use this to divide a complex workflow into multiple smaller workflows to get a better overview or to reuse sub-workflows in multiple processes. Sub-workflows can be called via the To sub-workflow component.

9.Example: Move files with processing errors

10.How to export one or multiple workflows.

11.How to import workflows.

12.How call external HTTP(s) rest apis.



Workflow introduction video

This video is an introduction to the workflow of InterFormNG2: