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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Barcodes

2D barcodes: General information

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Two dimensional barcodes are widely used in e.g. the automotive industry.  The 2D barcodes can only be used for the remap window function in design overlay.


Line separator

With this you can state how line breaks of the spooled file text should be handled:

1=A Blank        

Any trailing blanks of any line is trimmed and a space/blank is added for each line break.


Like 1=A Blank except a Carriage Return (Hex 13) is added for each line break.


Like 2=CR except that both Carriage return and a Line Feed (Hex 0A) is added.


Any trailing blanks of any line is trimmed and the line breaks are not reflected in the scanned result.


Any trailing blanks of each spooled file line are also included in the barcode.

6=Fixed (trim last line)

All trailing blanks of all lines are also included in the barcode, except for the last line of the remap, where the trailing blanks are trimmed.


Hex byte prefix

This parameter has been included in order to make it possible to insert specific ASCII characters specified by the hexadecimal value. State a special character here and when this is found in the text to be printed as PDF417 barcode the next two characters are interpreted as the hexadecimal value for the ASCII character to be inserted instead.


If you e.g. use ‘]’ as the escape code character, the text ‘]0A’ will be printed as the ASCII character having the hexadecimal value <0A>. This option make it possible to print PDF417 barcodes for e.g. the GM-1724-A/B/C Label standard used in the automotive industry. The description of the concat element includes an example of this.