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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Tools in InterForm400

All displayable characters

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This option is meant as a tool to solve problems with character set mappings.


If you select these options on the InterForm400 main menu, then you can see all the displayable characters in the codepage your 5250 session is running:

12. Service functions

5. Display all displayable characters


By making a host print screen of this screen you can verify, if the displayable characters will appear the same in the merged output in a specific codepage.



                           Displayable characters                              



First hex char -> 01456789ABCDEF   First hex char -> 01456789ABCDEF            

               0    &-|@°μ¢æå\0                   8   çìÇÌhqy½HQY8            

               1    é/Éajü£AJ÷1                   9   ñßÑ`irz¾IRZ9            

               2   âêÂÊbks¥BKS2                   A   #¤ø:«ª¡¬―¹²³            

Second hex   -> 3   äëÄËcltCLT3   Second hex   -> B   .Å,Æ»º¿|ôûÔÛ            

char            4   àèÀÈdmu©DMU4   char            C  *<*%Øð{Яö~ÖÜ            

               5   áíÁÍenv§ENV5                   D   ()_'ý¸Ý¨òùÒÙ            

               6   ãîÃÎfow¶FOW6                   E  ;+;>=þ[Þ´óúÓÚ            

               7   }ï$Ïgpx¼GPX7                   F   !^?"±]®×õÿÕ              











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