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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Tools in InterForm400

Adding functions to existing menus

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InterForm400 provides a wide range of extra commands and tool that can help you and your end users in your daily work. To see in what areas InterForm400 can help you it is a very good idea to go through the list of commands provided in InterForm400.


Below a few tips are listed:



The alternative to WRKOUTQ (display merged spooled files)


The normal WRKOUTQ command is fine, but it has a few limitations when working with InterForm400. It can e.g. not display a merged spooled file. That is one of the reasons why InterForm400 is delivered with the alternative command: APF3812/APFWRKOUTQ.


The advantages of the APFWRKOUTQ command are:


You can see how many pages a merged spooled file is.

You can change the page range of a merged spooled file if you used a PJL printer. type for the merge in InterForm400.

You can display merged spooled files via Swiftview.

You can e-mail merged spooled files directly from the menu via option 1. (The senders e-mail address is grabbed from the SMTP information of the current user in the system directory and the overlay or overlay selector is found in the afc setup of the outq).


Please also notice, that InterForm400 contains an alternative to the WRKSPLF command, called APFWRKSPLF.


One way to use the advantages of this command can be to create a new library and create a duplicate of the APFWRKOUTQ command in it:






This WRKOUTQ command will temporarily not work during an upgrade of InterForm400 or if the apf3812 library does not exist. To avoid a problem you could remove or rename the extra WRKOUTQ command created above during an upgrade of InterForm400 or if you decide to remove InterForm400 - but why would you do that? ;-)




View the last created spooled file as either PCL or PDF file


The commands: APF3812/APF3812 and APF3812/MRGSPLFPDF can merge a spooled file with an overlay or overlay selector and present the result directly on the screen if you are running the commands in an interactive job.


If you e.g. have just created a screen shot in the same job, then you can refer to the last spooled file generated with the right spooled file name. To view such a spooled file directly you could build in either of these commands into your user menues:




APF3812/MRGSPLFPDF KARTSET(myfileset) KLICHE(overlay) FILNVN(QPRINT) SPLNBR(*LAST) OUTTYPE(*VIEW)                                                                                              

Above we assume that the spooled file just generated is called QPRINT. We are using an overlay for the merge, but we could of course also have used an overlay selector.                  




Add dynamic functions to the Attention (Escape) key


InterForm400 can help you to add dynamic functions to your existing applications for which you do not even have the source code..


You can tell InterForm400 to inspect the contents of a 5250 screen and decide what to do depending on what is found. Then InterForm400 can also pick out information e.g. found in the line of the cursor, and use that as parameters in a function or command.


To do this you first define what functions you want to execute and when they should be activated. You define that via the command: APF3812/WRKSCNDFN:



         Work with screen definitions                                 SCR100D  


Position to . . . . . .   __________   Screen definition                      

  Required library  . .     __________                                          


Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   5=Display                                    


Opt  Screen      Req.lib     Description                                      

 _   COPY_SPLF   *NONE       Copy spooled file via SNDTCPSPLF from APFWRKOUTQ  

 _   WRKACTJOB   *NONE       View Joblog as PDF from WRKACTJOB            

 _   APFMENU     APF3812     Enter InterForm400 from Main if APF3812 is in LIBL











F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F11=View 2   F12=Cancel                    



If you press F6=Create you can add a new screen definition:



         Create screen definition                                     SCR110D  


Screen definition  . . . :   APFMENU                                            

  Required library . . . :     APF3812                                          


Description  . . . . . . .   Enter InterForm400 from Main if APF3812 is in LIBL



Type comparisons, press Enter. Specify OR to start each new group.            

Leave line and/or position blank to select cursor line/position.              


AND/OR  Line  Pos.  Opr.  Compare value                                        

          1    33   EQ    OS/400 Main Menu                                    

___     ___   ___   __    _____________________________________________________  

___     ___   ___   __    _____________________________________________________

___     ___   ___   __    _____________________________________________________

___     ___   ___   __    _____________________________________________________

___     ___   ___   __    _____________________________________________________

___     ___   ___   __    _____________________________________________________

___     ___   ___   __    _____________________________________________________

___     ___   ___   __    _____________________________________________________


F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                          



Above we have defined:


Required library is APF3812. This means that this function will ONLY be considered if the APF3812 library is in the library list of the current job when <Escape> is pressed.


The compare value is ‘OS/400 Main Menu’. This means, that this function will be run ONLY if we press the <Escape> key when we are on the OS/400 Main Menu (This text must be found on the screen in line 1 starting in position 33).


We press <Page Down> to see this screen:



         Create screen definition                                     SCR110D  


Screen definition  . . . :   APFMENU                                          

  Required library . . . :     APF3812                                        


Command  . . . . . . . . .   APF3812/APFMENU KARTSET(&A)                      




Leave line and/or position blank to select cursor line/position.              


        Line  Pos.  Len   Description                                          

 &A      20     7    10   File set                                            










F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F12=Cancel                                              



Here we can take various information from the current screen and use it as parameters for a command. Above we take the text found in line 20 from position 7 (10 characters from this position) and use that as a parameter for the APF3812/APFMENU command in the file set parameter (KARTSET). This means that if you type a file set before you press <Escape> then this file set will be used when you enter InterForm400 with this command.


If we leave out the line and/or position above then the position of the cursor is used (when Escape was pressed).


Simular you can define that you want to view a joblog as a PDF file via this setup:



         Change screen definition                                     SCR110D  


Screen definition  . . . :   WRKACTJOB                                        

  Required library . . . :     *NONE                                          


Description  . . . . . . .   View Joblog as PDF from WRKACTJOB            



Type comparisons, press Enter. Specify OR to start each new group.            

Leave line and/or position blank to select cursor line/position.              


AND/OR  Line  Pos.  Opr.  Compare value                                        

          1    30   EQ    Work with Active Jobs                                










F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                          




         Change screen definition                                     SCR110D  


Screen definition  . . . :   WRKACTJOB                                        

  Required library . . . :     *NONE                                          


Command  . . . . . . . . .   CALL PGM(KSE/JOBLOGPDF) PARM(&A &B &C)          




Leave line and/or position blank to select cursor line/position.              


        Line  Pos.  Len   Description                                          

 &A             9    10   JobName                                              

 &B            22    10   User                                                

 &C            34     6   JobNbr                                              








F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F12=Cancel                                              



The line numbers in the screen above are not filled out. So this means that the information is found in whatever line the cursor is in. Please note that the function requires that you first press F11 twice on WRKACTJOB so you can see the jobname, user and Job number like below:



                            Work with Active Jobs                     INTER03  

                                                            10/02/09  15:21:42

CPU %:      .0     Elapsed time:   00:00:00     Active jobs:   170            

Opt  Subsystem/Job  User        Number  Type  CPU %  Threads                  

     AUTO_FORM2     QSYS        221717  SBS      .0        1                  

       AFC_INPUT2   AFCOPER     221724  BCH      .0        1                  

       AMG2         AFCOPER     221725  BCH      .0        1                  

       DEMOIDX      AFCOPER     221743  BCH      .0        1                  

       IN_OUTQ04R   AFCOPER     221726  BCH      .0        1                  

       INFOR_TEST   AFCOPER     221727  BCH      .0        1                  

       INFORUM      AFCOPER     221728  BCH      .0        1                  

       LIFVOSS_IF   AFCOPER     221729  BCH      .0        1                  

       MU_PRTWT9I   AFCOPER     221730  BCH      .0        1                  

       PRT_APF25I   AFCOPER     221731  BCH      .0        1                  

       PRT_ZTESTI   AFCOPER     221732  BCH      .0        1                  

       USER2        AFCOPER     221733  BCH      .0        1                  

       USER2QUSRS   AFCOPER     221734  BCH      .0        1                  

       WOLFTEST     AFCOPER     221735  BCH      .0        1                  

       ZEBRA_KSE    AFCOPER     221736  BCH      .0        1                  

       ZZZZZZZZZZ   AFCOPER     221752  BCH      .0        1                  



F21=Display instructions/keys                                                  



The source of the called program could be this:




/*    This is an example of a program, that can be called from       */

/*    the APF3812/WRKSCNDFN command in InterForm400.                 */

/*                                                                   */

/*    This program is to display the joblog of a job marked out in   */

/*    WRKACTJOB. It will merge and display the joblog as a PDF file. */

/*                                                                   */

/*                                                                   */





            DCL        &ALL         *CHAR  31

            DCL        &JOBNAME     *CHAR  10

            DCL        &USER        *CHAR  10

            DCL        &FILE        *CHAR  40

            DCL        &JOBNBRA     *CHAR   6

            DCL        &JOBNBR12    *CHAR  12

            DCL        VAR(&JOBNBR) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(15 5)


/* Convert the numeric jobnumber into 6 characters */

            CHGVAR     VAR(&JOBNBR12) VALUE(&JOBNBR)

            CHGVAR     VAR(&JOBNBRA) VALUE(%SST(&JOBNBR12 1 6))


/* First make sure that the joblog is not printed out.     */




/* Now generate the joblog as a spooled file:              */


            MONMSG     MSGID(CPF0000) EXEC(DO)

            SNDUSRMSG  MSG('The job does not exist or is no longer +

                         active.') MSGTYPE(*INFO)

            GOTO       END



/* Now merge the spooled file and view it:                 */


                         FILNVN(QPJOBLOG) SPLNBR(*LAST) +



/* Delete the temporary spooled file                       */



END:         ENDPGM



We want also to add a new function to the APFWRKOUTQ command via the <Escape> key. This is only to be run if we press <Escape> on the APFWRKOUTQ screen:



         Change screen definition                                     SCR110D  


Screen definition  . . . :   COPY_SPLF                                        

  Required library . . . :     *NONE                                          


Description  . . . . . . .   Copy spooled file via SNDTCPSPLF from APFWRKOUTQ  



Type comparisons, press Enter. Specify OR to start each new group.            

Leave line and/or position blank to select cursor line/position.              


AND/OR  Line  Pos.  Opr.  Compare value                                        

          1    72   EQ    APFOUTQD                                            










F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                          



If we press <Escape> we want to copy the spooled file in the line where the cursor is placed (the lines are not filled out). It is defined as below (seen by pressing <Page Down>):



         Change screen definition                                     SCR110D  


Screen definition  . . . :   COPY_SPLF                                        

  Required library . . . :     *NONE                                          


Command  . . . . . . . . .   CALL PGM(KSE/COPY_SPLF) PARM(‘&A’ ‘&B’ ‘&C’ ‘&D’ ‘&E)’




Leave line and/or position blank to select cursor line/position.              


        Line  Pos.  Len   Description                                          

 &A             8    10   Spooled file name                                    

 &B            28    10   Job name                                            

 &C            40    10   User                                                

 &D            52     6   Job number                                          

 &E            20     6   Spooled file number                                  






F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F12=Cancel                                              



Also notice that the function will only work if the information above is visible on the screen so you need to press <F11> before you press <Escape>.


The source of the called program is this:




/*    This is an example of a program, that can be called from       */

/*    the APF3812/WRKSCNDFN command in InterForm400.                 */

/*                                                                   */

/*    This program is to copy a spooled file to the default outq of  */

/*    the current job.                                               */

/*                                                                   */

/*                                                                   */





            DCL        &SPLFNAME    *CHAR  10

            DCL        &JOBNAME     *CHAR  10

            DCL        &USER        *CHAR  10

            DCL        &FILE        *CHAR  40

            DCL        &JOBNBRA     *CHAR   6

            DCL        &JOBNBR12    *CHAR  12

            DCL        &JOBNBR      *DEC  LEN(15 5)

            DCL        &SPLFNBR     *DEC  LEN(15 5)

            DCL        &SPLFNBRA    *CHAR   6

            DCL        &SPLFNBR12   *CHAR  12

            DCL        &OUTQ        *CHAR  10


/* Convert the numeric job number of the spooled file into 6 char:  */

            CHGVAR     VAR(&JOBNBR12) VALUE(&JOBNBR)

            CHGVAR     VAR(&JOBNBRA) VALUE(%SST(&JOBNBR12 1 6))


/* Convert the numeric splf number of the spooled file into 6 char:  */


            CHGVAR     VAR(&SPLFNBRA) VALUE(%SST(&SPLFNBR12 1 6))


/* Get the outq of the current job:                                  */

            RTVJOBA    OUTQ(&OUTQ)


/* Send or copy the spooled file:                                    */


                         FILE(&SPLFNAME) +

                         JOB(&JOBNBRA/&USER/&JOBNAME) +

                         SPLNBR(&SPLFNBRA) DESTTYP(*AS400) +

                         TRANSFORM(*NO) MFRTYPMDL(*NONE) +



            SNDUSRMSG  MSG('The spooled file has been copied.') +



END:         ENDPGM



Now we are done setting up the functions and we only need to activate these functions on the relevant jobs. In order to do that you just need to make sure that the jobs run the command: APF3812/STRSCNATN:



                      Start Screen Attention (STRSCNATN)                      


Type choices, press Enter.                                                    


Command  . . . . . . . . . . . . CMD   > GO MENU(MAIN)                        




Default program  . . . . . . . . DFTPGM  *USRPRF     Name,*USRPRF,*ASSIST,*NONE

  Library  . . . . . . . . . . .                     Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB    












F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    

F24=More keys                                                                



The command (CMD) is the command that will be run when this command is done. The default program is the program that will be run if no screen definition setup via WRKSCNDFN fits the current screen when someone is pressing <Attention> (or <Escape>).


Notice that the function above only works on the call level from where the STRSCNATN was run so you could e.g. run this in the initial program of the user profiles - just remember to do a MONMSG after the command so the users can sign on - even during an upgrade of InterForm400...