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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

When selecting this option InterForm400 will create two spooled files:


1.One containing all resource cross references in InterForm400 (User data: XREFLST3) i.e. a list of all InterForm400 resources and list of all places, where these resources are referenced.

2.One containing the last used date of all resources in InterForm400 (User data: XREFLST4).


You reach this via these options on the InterForm400 menu:


12. Service functions

8. Print Resource X-reference


You can also use the command, APF3812/PRTXREF to generate the lists.


The spooled files will be created on the output queue of the current job. You can steer where it will be created e.g. by going to a command line and execute the command:


CHGJOB OUTQ(<outq name>)


- prior to selection of this option.  The CHGJOB command will change the default outq for the current job.


You can also find the spooled file after execution (if it has not been printed out) if you from the same job execute the command:




This will list spooled files created by the current job.



Cross reference list

The cross reference list (XREFLST3) will list the following:


For all images, colors, PCL files, fonts etc. it will list in which lines in which overlays in what file sets the resource is used.


If font numbers are used in overlay headers or extended page definitions, then these will also be listed as *OVLHD and *EXTPAG in the 'used in' column.


All overlays are listed. If there is a reference to the overlay by use of an If..Then, you will see a line with *CONDOVL stating the overlay and line number that refers to this overlay through an if..then line. Overlays referring to the overlay with function 'S=Suboverlay' are listed with *SUBOVL.


Information inserted in autodownload will also be listed. Here you will be able to see what soft font is downloaded with what font number and in which printer group(s) this is defined.


It will also list all user exit programs referenced, and list each place where they are referenced.



Last used list

Apart from the spooled file mentioned above an additional spooled file (XREFLST4) is also created:



                                                      Display Spooled File    

File  . . . . . :   QPRINT                                                      

Control . . . . .                                                              

Find  . . . . . .   SAMPLE                                                      


InterForm 400             LAST USED LIST     30.01.12   14:20:05    Page   31  

File set . . . . . . . :   SAMPLE                                              

Description  . . . . . :   InterForm 400 Samples                                

Overlay     Description                     Last used                          

BLANK       Blank overlay                   2012-01-30                          

FORM1       Prinserter sample DK envelopes  -                                  

FORM2       Prinserter sample DE envelopes  -                                  

IF400DEMO   InterForm 400 Demo Form         2012-01-30                          

PATTERNS    Pattern IDs                     -                                  

POSITIONS   Print SPLF with positions A4    -                                  

RULER       Ruler                           -                                  

TEST                                        2011-05-23                          

DEMO                                        -                      



This spooled file is created with user data= ‘XREFLST4'. For each file set it lists all overlays and the last used date. Please notice, that the last used date is also correct/updated for the suboverlays (conditioned and unconditioned) - contrary to the resource statistics.