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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

The code39 barcode can be used for the alphanumeric characters 0-9, A-Z (Capital letters) and some special characters (e.g. * $ / +  - . %). You can define if a checksum should be calculated, and if unrecognized (or unprintable) characters should be replaced with blanks.


Extended Code39

The extended code 39 is a general purpose code which can code any ASCII character(any character you can enter from the keyboard by normal means). This code is double the size of the standard code 39, as it uses two code 39 characters for each of the 128 ASCII characters. To enable extended code 39, enter YES for Full ASCII mode.


The setup for a code39 barcode for PCL/PDF looks like this:


         Change font                                                  APF370D  


Font  . . . . . . . . . . :  4600  Code 39 soft fonts                          


Description . . . . . . . .  Code39                                            


Height of bars dots . . . . 200    30-2400                                  

Width narrow bar dots . . . 6       6-26                                    

Width wide bar dots . . . . 12      12-78                                    

Dots are at 600 dpi.                                                          


Checksum  . . . . . . . . . N       (Y N)                                    


Replace unprintable                                                            

characters  . . . . . . . . 1       (0=No 1=Blank 2=Null)                    


Full ASCII mode . . . . . . Y       (Y N)                                    


Print characters                                                              

beneath bar code  . . . . . N       (Y N)                                    



F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                          



The fields above are:


Height of bars dots

The height of the barcode measured in 600 DPI. If you state a size of 200 dots the barcode height will be 200/600 = 1/3 inch.


Width narrow bar dots

The width of the narrow lines in the barcode measured in 600 DPI.


Width wide bar dots

The width of the wide lines in the barcode measured in 600 DPI. The wide barcode lines must be in the range 2 to 3 times the narrow bars.



Specify if InterForm400 should add a checksum digit or not.


Replace unprintable characters

States if unprintable characters should be replaced with a different character.


Full ASCII mode

If set to 'Y' the barcode will be extended code39 as described above. The barcode scanner should be setup accordingly.


Print characters beneath bar code

If set to 'Y' the barcode contents will be printed below the barcode as human readable text.