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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Barcodes

Datamatrix barcodes

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Refer to the generel information of 2D barcodes here.



Size of a module in the Datamatrix barcode

The size of the datamatrix barcodes are setup in 300 DPI (Dots Per Inch) for PCL/PDF file sets, and in the printer resolution for label file sets (ZPL and DP).

In 300 DPI a dot is 1/300 inches= 0.003333 inches = 0.008466 cm.

In 203 DPI a dot is 1/203 inches= 0.004926 inches = 0.012512 cm.


The module size sets the size of each small dot/box in the datamatrix barcode. The final size of the module (or box) is the number of dots selected times the size of a single dot.


So in 300 DPI a module size of 4 means:

4*0.003333 inches = 0.01333 inches = 0.033866 cm.



The size of the Datamatrix barcode

The rows to encode and columns to encode can be left blank to create the smallest possible barcode (with the module size selected). You can also set a fixed number of rows and columns in the barcode. The number of rows sets a fixed height and the number of columns sets a fixed width. The number of rows/columns is simply the number of modules (or small boxes) in each direction of the barcode, so if you set the number of rows and columns to 40, then the height and width of the barcode is 40 times the size of a module - as a fixed size.


Notice however: If you set a fixed size of the datamatrix barcode, then the barcode is not a allowed to grow (if needed), and can now contain less information compared to an unlimited barcode (where the number of rows/columns is left blank).


On the entry screen of the datamatrix barcode you can press F4=Select valid rows/columns combination to view possible combinations of columns and rows:


The possible values are different for label print compared to PCL/PDF, and looks like this:


         Select valid combination of rows/columns for data matrix     FNT373D  


Type option, Press Enter.                                                      


     Rows   Columns                                                            

  Size dependent of content up to 144 X 144                                

    8 X  18                                                                

    8 X  32                                                                

   12 X  26                                                                

   12 X  36                                                                

   16 X  36                                                                

   16 X  48                                                                

   10 X  10                                                                

   12 X  12                                                                

   14 X  14                                                                

   16 X  16                                                                

   18 X  18                                                                

   20 X  20                                                                

   22 X  22                                                                

   24 X  24                                                                

   26 X  26                                                               +


F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel      



The top option, Size dependent of content up to 144 X 144 gives the smallest possible barcode (given the specific input data). After that the rectangular barcodes are listed and then the quadratic.




C40 encoding in Datamatrix barcodes

For the Datamatrix barcode (for PCL/PDF output only) you can specifically specify, that the encoding of the data should be in C40 encoding only. This is necessary for special UK Royal Mail barcodes. Normally InterForm400 will automatically switch between encodings in the barcode to reduce the barcode size as much as possible, but with a special setting you can force InterForm400 to use C40 encoding only - as required by UK Royal Mail:                                                  


         Change font                                                  APF370D


Font  . . . . . . . . . . :  4343  Data Matrix Bar Code - ECC200              


Description . . . . . . . .  Datamatrix C40 only                              


Module size . . . . . . . .   4    1-10                                      


Rows to encode  . . . . . .        8-144, blank=as small as possible          

Colums to encode  . . . . .        10-144, blank=as small as possible        


Line separator  . . . . . .  4     1=A blank, 2=CR, 3=CRLF, 4=None,          

                                   5=Fixed, 6=Fixed (trim last line)          


Hex byte prefix . . . . . .  ^     Blank=Input does not contain hex bytes    


UCC/EAN . . . . . . . . . .  N     (Y N)                                      


Character set C40 only  . .  Y     (Y N)                                    



F4=Select valid rows/columns combination                                                                              

F3=Exit   F12=Cancel