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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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Handling AFPDS splfs with mixed CPI/LPI

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Handling mixed CPI and LPI in AFPDS spooled files

The input AFPDS spooled files can contain texts in many different font sizes, and that can be a problem, when InterForm400 is working on these input spooled files, when trying to map the input spooled file into fixed lines and positions.


If you e.g. consider a spooled file with the attribute of 10 CPI, then that means, that there are 10 characters per inch and each character should take up 1/10 of an inch, but if you now imagine, that there are some texts in the same line, that are written in 20 CPI, then there can be twice as many characters per inch as InterForm400 would expect (when looking at the attribute), and that can cause overprinting of texts, where you can only se parts of the text elements, when you load the AFPDS spooled file in the designer. Normally InterForm400 will e.g. push text to the right to make space for all the text (avoiding overwriting previous texts), so nothing is lost, but this may cause the alignment of columns to be lost.


That is why, you with InterForm400 can override the CPI and LPI to spread out the spooled file text, and thereby keep fixed positions and line number all through the spooled file.


You can override the external attributes and set higher values via these menu options in InterForm400:


80. Administering InterForm400

9. Work with AFPDS copy spooled file CPI & LPI:                              


         Work with afpds copy spooled file atributes                  AFP901D  


Position to . . . . . .             Printer file name                      



Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  2=Change   4=Delete   5=Display                                              


     Printer                 Update        Update    Update    CpySplf CpySplf

Opt  file        Library     user          date      time      CPI     LPI    

  MYPRTF      MYLIB       KSE         2018.06.15  12:28:13  20,0    12,0    












F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F12=Cancel                                  



The spooled file is identified by the printer file used, so you should actually add the printer file in the table above with F6=Create.


If you are in doubt as to what CPI and LPI to select, you could e.g. state the CPI to be highest CPI used (or higher) - although keeping in mind that the max. width of a spooled file is still 378, and that it is not that easy to design an overlay, for a spooled file that is so wide, that you are not able to see a complete line at a time. For the LPI it might be a very good idea to select a whole number times the spooled file LPI. So if the spooled file has 6 LPI you could e.g. override it with this function to e.g. 12 LPI (still keeping in mind that the max. number of lines in a spooled file is 255).


If you select the double CPI, then every other line in the designer will (normally) be blank, but you can then just use the half line distance in the overlay to compensate for this.


If you want to see exactly how InterForm400 sees the input spooled file, then you have two options:

1.Load the spooled file in the graphical designer. This will display the spooled file exactly as InterForm400 sees it.

2.Load the spooled file in the green screen designer and use F19=DSPPGM . It is easier to use F18=DSPSPLF, but F18 displays the spooled file with the limitations of OS400 - and not as InterForm400 sees the spooled file.