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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Use this option to import InterForm400 resources from another installation. All details of the export/import feature are included here..


The procedure to export is also covered in the InterForm400 cookbook, which you can downlaod via this link:


You reach the import feature in the InterForm400 menu via the options:


12. Service functions  

22. Import of InterForm400 resources


You can also import a save file directly via a command.


Select option 1. Create empty APFIMPORT import library, to create an empty import library. If you have an old import library you should normally start a new import by first deleting the existing one (using option ‘5. Delete the APFIMPORT import library’) before you create the new import library.



         Work with import of InterForm 400 resources                  IMPORTD


Distribution  . . . . . :  EXPORT.TST                System.......: PMK250    

From system . . . . . . :  PMK250                    Import by  . : KSE      

From version  . . . . . :  2018.M01                  Date . . . . : 2018-03-26

From user . . . . . . . :  KSE                       Time . . . . : 13:06    

Description . . . . . . :  test export from 2018M01                          


Select one of the following:                                                  


     1. Create APFIMPORT import library with empty files                      

     2. Receive distribution into import library                              

     3. Work with resources in import library                                

     4. Transfer resources to production library                              

     5. Delete the APFIMPORT import library                                  

     6. Display resources in import library                                  


     8. Start journaling                                                      

     9. Work with changes                                                    




F3=Exit                 F6=Display messages                 F12=Cancel                                                




After the import library has been created, use option 2. Receive distribution into import library, to receive the distribution into the library. Select the required method for receiving the distribution.



3. Work with resources in import library


Upon having received the relevant InterForm400 resources, you will be able to see the various resources in the import library, by using option 3. Work with resources in import library. Here you can also chose to rename the resources. Renaming resources in the import library will update referenced resources - details are found here.

Before transferring the resources in the import library to the production library, you need to start Journaling. This gives you the possibility of undoing the import.


Note that if a resource i.e. a overlay called INVOICE is imported, and a overlay also called INVOICE already exists, this will be overwritten without further notice.


Journaling can be started by the option 8. Journaling in the Import menu.

If you should regret an Import to the production library, use the option 9. Work with changes. Here you can also see and roll back any change of overlays uploaded from the InterForm400® graphical designer (Listed with function: *PC-SAVE).



         Receive Distribution into Import Library                     IMPORTD



Select one of the following:                                                


     1. Receive distribution from tape                                      

     2. Receive distribution from network file                              

     3. Receive distribution from the /APF3812Home/Work directory              

     4. Receive distribution from save file.                                      











===> _                                                                        


F3=Exit                 F6=Display messages                 F12=Cancel




4. Transfer resources to the production library



         Work with import of InterForm 400 resources                  IMPORTD


Distribution  . . . . . :  EXPORT.TST                System.......: PMK250    

From system . . . . . . :  PMK250                    Import by  . : KSE      

From version  . . . . . :  2018.M01                  Date . . . . : 2018-03-26

From user . . . . . . . :  KSE                       Time . . . . : 13:06    

Description . . . . . . :  test export from 2014M01                          


Select one of the following:                                                  


     1. Create APFIMPORT import library with empty files                      

     2. Receive distribution into import library                              

     3. Work with resources in import library                                

     4. Transfer resources to production library                              

     5. Delete the APFIMPORT import library                                  

     6. Display resources in import library                                  


     8. Start journaling                                                      

     9. Work with changes                                                    




F3=Exit                 F6=Display messages                 F12=Cancel                                                



Entering the Import menu after having received the distribution file into the import library, the details of the distribution file will be stated in the top of the Import menu.


Selecting option 4. Move resources to production library will give you an overview of the resources ready to be moved to the production library.



        Confirm move of all resources to production library          IMP820D


Press F10 to move all resources to production.                          

Press F3 or F12 to cancel.                                                



Resource               Type        Notice                                      

SAMPLE/IF400DEMO       *OVERLAY    Exists                                      

SAMPLE/RULER           *OVERLAY    Exists                                                                                                                    












F3=Exit   F10=Move all resources to production   F12=Cancel



This screen will inform you if the overlays being moved to the production library, already exists. In this case you might want to rename the overlays. When you press F10 InterForm400 will verify if the data base files are journaled before move the resources into production. If the files are not journaled, you can start the journaling via option ‘8. Start journaling’.


If there is no printer group containing the *ALLPCL printer group at import of PCL autodownload settings, then such a printer group (named *PCL) will be created during import.


Simular to option 4 the option ‘6. Display resources in import library’ lists all the resources. This option will however only list the objects with the option to print the list with F10.


As mentioned before accepting the move of resources will cause existing resources with the same name to be overwritten.


Renaming resources to be moved to the production folder could be done under function

3. Working with resources in import library.


In this example, we have chosen to work with overlay definitions.




Work with File-sets in Import Library                        IMP412D                                                                                                                              

Position to . . . . . .              File-set                                


Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  1=Move to production   4=Delete   7=Rename file-set                          

  12=Work with overlays in file-set                                            


Opt   File-set      Description                                        Notice

12   SAMPLE        InterForm 400 Samples                              Exists













F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                          




Note: Renaming e.g. file sets that already exists (using option 7. Rename file set) will prevent file sets from being overwritten.

Notice, however, that the users must be connected to the new file sets, in order to use the overlays imported.


Option 9. Work with changes on the Import menu enables you to take advantage of the fact, that every import requires journaling of InterForm400® files. Using this option you can e.g. regret the last import (*IMPORT) or changes done in the graphical designer (*PC-SAVE) and roll the InterForm400 back to the state prior to the import. (Use e.g. option 1=Rebuild to status before change on the Work with changes menu.