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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

This option is to enables you to distribute InterForm400 resources. By using the Export function, resources are copied from InterForm400 into a save file. The Export – and Import libraries can be considered as being temporary libraries, as the resources copied to and from these 2 libraries, usually are relevant only for a certain distribution.


All details of the export/import feature are included here.


The procedure to export is covered in the InterForm400 cookbook, which you can downlaod via this link:


The procedure is also covered in this video:




You reach the export feature in the InterForm400 menu via the options:


12. Service functions  

21. Export of InterForm400 resources


The libraries (APFEXPORT and APFIMPORT) can be deleted when the distributions are completed. For a complete export you need to go through the options in this sequence:

1. Create empty export library APFEXPORT                                

2. Copy resources to export library                                    

3. Work with resources in export library (optional)

4. Work with distributions  


The options are described below:


Use option 1. Create empty export library APFEXPORT, to create an empty import library.



         Work with export of InterForm 400 Resources                  EXPORTD


                                                     System.......: INTER02  

                                                     Version......: 2018.M01


Select one of the following:                                                


     1. Create empty export library APFEXPORT                                

     2. Copy resources to export library                                    

     3. Work with resources in export library                                

     4. Work with distributions                                              

     5. Delete all resources from export library (except distributions)      

     6. Delete export library APFEXPORT (including all distributions)        


     8. Display resources in export library                                  






===> _                                                                      


F3=Exit                 F6=Display messages                 F12=Cancel




If you already have an old export library you can consider running either of these options first:

5. Delete all resources from export library (except distributions)       - or -

6. Delete export library APFEXPORT (including all distributions)        



Copy resources to export library.


This option gives you these options:


1. Copy all the resources

2. Copy selected resources only

3. Copy the resources used in already copied overlays

4. Copy auto download defs and soft font members for all copied fonts


The options are explained below:


1. Copy all the resources

Use this option to export all overlays, overlay selectors, fonts, soft fonts, images, palette colors, form type tables, split definitions, sort definitions, PDF bookmarks, PDF embedding definitions, finish definitions, AFC definitions and auto download specifications. This should be avoided for normal support if possible as the export file can be quite large. The list of elements that cannot be exported/imported is found here.


2. Copy selected resources only

Use this option to selectively copy resources for export. You can e.g. export specific overlays and then use option 3 and 4 to also export any resource referenced by these overlays. For normal support issues you should consider this option (followed by option 3 and 4 below).


3. Copy the resources used in already copied overlays

If you already have copied one or more overlays via option 2, then this will export any of these resources, that are referenced by the overlay(s):

Overlay selectors, fonts, images and palette colors. It will not export any related form type tables, soft fonts, autodownload specifications, finish definitions and AFC definitions. Any related soft font and auto download specifications can be exported with option 4 below.


4. Copy auto download defs and soft font members for all copied fonts

This copies any auto download setup and any soft fonts to the export that are related to the fonts, that are also marked for export.




         Copy InterForm 400 resources to export library               EXPORTD


Select one of the following resource types:

     1. Overlay definitions               21. ZEBRA fonts                      

     2. Font definitions                  22. ZEBRA soft fonts          

     3. Soft fonts                        23. ZEBRA images                    

     4. Auto download definitions

     5. Images                                                                

     6. PCL-files                                                            

     7. Selector definitions                                                  

     8. Split definitions                                                    

     9. Sort definitions                                                      

    10. Finishing definitions                                                

    11. AFC definitions                                                      

    12. Form type table                                                      

    13. Palette colors                                      

    14. PDF bookmark definitions                                                    

    15. PDF embedding definitions                                      




F3=Exit                 F6=Display messages                 F12=Cancel  



If you select option 2 you can copy selected InterForm400® resources to export like shown above.


Note that when entering a specific overlay, only the definitions of the overlay are copied.

Any images, PCL-files, fonts etc. which the overlay definitions is referring to, has to be copied separately e.g. by use of option ‘3. Copy the resources used in already copied overlays’ , which will also copy any overlay selector referring to any of the exported overlays.


If you export a PCL/PDF line barcode (EAN, Code 39, code128 and interleaved 2 of 5) then a barcode soft font will be added in the export distribution for support for older (pre 2014) versions of InterForm400. The soft font will be named BARCDExxxx, where xxxx is the font number.


WARNING: If you use option ‘3. Copy the resources used in already copied overlays’ the necessary soft fonts will NOT be included. If you are using soft fonts you should also run option 4. Copy auto download defs and soft font members for all copied fonts.


WARNING: Autodownload settings for PCL printer groups that does not include the output queue *ALLPCL cannot be exported.



Work with resources in export library


When all selections have been made, you can verify that all relevant resources have been copied to the export library, by using option 3. Work with resources in export library, in the export menu. Here you can also chose to rename the resources. Renaming resources in the export library will update referenced resources.


Work with distribution


This option is used to create a distribution file, which you need to send out the export.



         Work with Distributions                                      EXP600D


Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  1=Send savefile   4=Delete savefile and PC-file   5=Display savefile        

  9=Save to tape   11=Create PC-file in folder APF3812                        


Opt   Distribution  Description                                         Status

 __   EXPORT.001    Export of overlay IF400DEMO                         *BOTH                                                                              













F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F12=Cancel



In this screen you will have an overview of existing distributions made.

Use F6 to create a new distribution


First you are prompted for the target version:


        Select target version for export                            EXP605D  


Select one of the following                                                  


 1. Current version                                                          

 2. Version 2019                                                              

 3. Version 2018 - 2015                                                      

 4. Version 2014 or older                                                    


Option: 1                                                                    


For version 2019 and older, the program will check if overlays                

has TextBlock lines.                                                          


For version 2018 and older, printer types *BW, *BWD, *GREY, *GREYD,          

*COLOR and *COLORD will be replaced with the old similar printer types.      


For version 2014 and older, the program will check if overlays                

has concat lines or uses font 45NN with checksum calculation.                




F3=Exit                                                          F12=Cancel  



Target version        

The target version is the version of InterForm400 on which you intend to import the export file. If you want to import the export file in an earlier version, then you need to specify the target version accordingly - also if you are not using any of the newer functions/values as described below.


The possible values are:


1. Current version

If you select this: Any InterForm400 installation running the same year versions (and newer) is be able to import the export file.


2. Version 2019

If you want to create an export file, that should be possible to import in a 2019 version, then you select this option. Text block design elements are not supported in 2019 versions, so if you try to export overlays with text block elements, then the export will fail.


3. Version 2018 - 2015

In the 2019 versions of InterForm400 new printer types was added (all the printer types starting with *), but the older printer types are still supported. If you export to this older versions, then the printer types in the export are converted into similar, older printer types.


4. Version 2014 or older

If you want to export to a 2014 or older version of InterForm400, then it is required, that you are not using any concat elements in your overlays, and that EAN-barcodes for PCL/PDF are not using a checksum.


Note: If some of the resources are using a functionality not supported in last years versions, then these resources will be listed and you will be asked to remove them from the export before you can finalize the export.


With  any InterForm400 installation running the same year versions (and newer) should be able to import the export file.




         Create Distribution                                          EXP610D


Type choices, press Enter.                                                    


Suffix . . . . . . . . . . EXP                                                  

Description  . . . . . . . This is my demo export file          

Target version . . . . . :  2020     OS/400 target release: V5R4M0                            


Create . . . . . . . . . . 2             1=Savefile only                    

                                          2=Savefile and PC-file              



When you create a distribution all the current resources in the export-      

library are copied to a savefile named, where xxx is the suffix.  

If you create a PC-file based on a distribution, it will be placed in the      

/APF3812Home/Work directory, having the same name and content as the savefile.


The content of a distribution can not be changed later.                      



F3=Exit   F12=Cancel




A three letter extension for the save file (and stream file).



You have the possibility of choosing conversion to a save-file only or both a save-file and a PC-file. The suffix you enter is a way for you to separate the distribution from other already created distributions. After you have entered the details for a particular distribution, a save file will be created in the APFEXPORT library and optionally, a PC-file will be added to the /APF3812Home/Work directory.


You can now locate the export PC-file in the /APF3812Home/Work directory with file name “”., This file can be send by e-mail, to your consultant or to another InterForm400® site..


It is possible to operate with more than one export library at a time.