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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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Ordering a digital certificate for signing PDFs

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Ordering a software based signature.


With InterForm400 you can use a digital signature (PKCS#12  w/ x.509 certificate).


You need a digital certificate in order to be able to digitally signing PDF documents.


A X.509 digital certificate with RSA keylength of 2048, packed in a PKCS#12 file is recommended and we also recommend using a well known supplier of certificates, such as Digicert, Comodo, Entrust, etc.


You can e.g. have ordered and installed it on your PC. For test purposes you can order a free trial signature e.g. from this web site:


It looks like this:



If you click the top right Download link (Test Bruger (gyldig)- PKCS12) - or use this link:


- then you will download a valid digital signature, that you can use for testing. The password needed to open the file is ‘Test1234'. This .p12 file can directly be installed in InterForm400 as a digital signature.


The second line (Test Bruger (spærret)) is a sample, test certificate, that has been revoked, so if you want to test that, then you can download the PKCS12 link in that line via this link:


After this you might want to import the new signature in InterForm400.