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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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Digital signatures in PDF

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With InterForm400 you can add a digital signature to digitally sign a PDF file e.g. to make the PDF a legal document, or to prove who created the the PDF file and when, and to prove that no one have changed the PDF file afterwards.



To digitally sign a PDF file you need a license code for Interform400, that includes the Advanced PDF module.

You need a digital certificate.

Digital Certificate Manager (5770SS1 option 34) must be installed.

Java 1.7 or higher must be installed on the IBM i.

The digital certificate must be installed in InterForm400. A X.509 digital certificate with RSA keylength of 2048, packed in a PKCS#12 file is recommended and we also recommend using a well known supplier of certificates, such as Digicert, Comodo, Entrust, etc.


Adding a digital signature or encrypting (password protecting) is possible no matter how you create PDF file with InterForm400 except through option '3. Merge spool entry with overlay' of the InterForm400 Main Menu, and the preview option (while designing an overlay).



You can encrypt or insert a digital signature whenever you create a PDF file in InterForm400. That means in combination with:

The PDF file naming finishing definition.

The E-mail finishing definition

The APF3812/MRGSPLFPDF command


Note, that you cannot create signed PDF files in QDLS and after a signed PDF file hasbeen created, the current job CANNOT create any PDF files in QDLS.



Digital signing with PDF file naming definitions

Digitally signing and encrypting PDF files is possible with the InterForm400 PDF file naming finishing definitions, as it is with any PDF creation process in InterForm400.


The digital signature to be added in a PDF file naming definition is stated via option 8. Encryption and Signature:



         Work with Encryption and Signature Information                PNM380D  


 Definition name  . . . . . : KSE                                               

 Description  . . . . . . . :                                                   


 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     


 Encryption information                                                         

   Encrypt PDF File . . . . . . . . . N               (Y=Yes, N=No)             

   User Access Restrictions . . . . . *NONE           *NONE, *NOPRINT ...       

                                                         ... *NOCOPY, *NOEDIT   



   PDF Owner Password . . . . . . . .                                           


 Digital Signature Information                                                  

   Digitally Sign PDF File  . . . . . Y               (Y=Yes, N=No)             

   Certificate  . . . . . . . . . . . TEST            Name, *OWNER              

   Organisation . . . . . . . . . . .                                           

   When using *PC certificates:                       1=Before signing          

   Call closing exit program  . . . . 1               2=After signing           


 F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                           



The relevant fields for digitally signing a PDF on the screen are:


Digitally Sign PDF File

State ‘Y’ to add a digital signature.


Certificate and Organisation

State a digital certificate for the signature that was previously installed (or listed). You can either state a certificate name or state *OWNER. If you state *OWNER the user profile and organsation are used for looking up the certificate in a table maintained via option '8. Work with E-mail senders’ on the Auto Forms Control menu.




Digital signing with the e-mail finishing definition

The e-mail finishing definition (combined with P=Send e-mail/Fax) is able to automatically send out e-mails with an attached PDF file. The PDF file can be digitally signed and/or encrypted.


Digitally signing the attached PDF file

The encryption is activated via option ‘9. Encryption and Signature’ in the e-mail finishing definition exactly like for the PDF file naming:



         Work with Encryption and Signature Information                MAI380D 


 Definition name  . . . . . : KSE_EMAIL                                        

 Description  . . . . . . . :                                                  


 Type choices, press Enter.                                                    


 Encryption information                                                        

   Encrypt PDF File . . . . . . . . . N               (Y=Yes, N=No)            

   User Access Restrictions . . . . . *NONE           *NONE, *NOPRINT ...      

                                                         ... *NOCOPY, *NOEDIT  


   PDF Owner Password . . . . . . . .                                          


 Digital Signature Information                                                 

   Digitally Sign PDF File  . . . . . Y               (Y=Yes, N=No)            

   Certificate  . . . . . . . . . . . MY_SIGN         Name, *SENDER            

   Organisation . . . . . . . . . . .                                          


 Signature Pad Information                                                     

   Sign PDF-file on sign pad  . . . . N               (Y=Yes, N=No)            

   Preview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . N               (Y=Yes, N=No)            

 F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                          



The fields relevant for digitally signing the attached PDF files are:


Digitally Sign PDF File

State ‘Y’ to add a digital signature.


Certificate and Organisation

State a digital certificate for the signature that was previously installed. You can either state a certificate name or state *SENDER. If you state *SENDER the user profile and organisation are used for looking up the certificate in a table maintained via option '8. Work with E-mail senders’ on the Auto Forms Control menu.




Digital signature with MRGSPLFPDF

One way to create PDF files with InterForm400 is the command APF3812/MRGSPLFPDF (Merge Spooled File PDF). The command can generate either a PDF file or an e-mail with an attached PDF, that is the result of a merge of a spooled file and an overlay (or overlay selector). The resulting PDF file can be encrypted and/or digitally signed.


The involved parameter on the APF3812/MRGSPLFPDF command is found on the second page:



                   Merge spooled file and overlay (MRGSPLFPDF)                  


 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     


 Color support  . . . . . . . . . COLORSUP       *YES                           

 Bookmark definition name . . . . BMKDEF                    *YES, *NO, *FAX                     

 Embedding definition name  . . . EMBDEF         *NONE      Name, *NONE                    

 ZUGFeRD definition name  . . . . ZUGFERDDEF     *NONE      Name, *NONE                    

 Signature Certificate  . . . . . CERTIFIC                  Name, *NONE                    

 Text Compression . . . . . . . . COMPRESS       *NO                            

 PDF Title  . . . . . . . . . . . TITLE          *NONE                          


 PDF Author . . . . . . . . . . . AUTHOR         *NONE                          


 PDF Subject  . . . . . . . . . . PDFSUBJ        *NONE                          


 PDF Keywords . . . . . . . . . . KEYWORDS       *NONE                          





 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    

 F24=More keys                                                                  




You can digitally sign the PDF file with this reference. For description of digital signatures refer to page 6 for more information. This value can also be determined by a used PDF file name definition - refer to the

description of the NAMEDEF parameter on the MRGSPLFPDF command..