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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Fonts > Fonts for label print

Resident fonts for label print

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Apart from the predefined fonts, you can add additional fonts yourself. In general you should consider to add a universal font to get the best result with the smallest amount of work.


One way is to define your own font sizes/variations of the resident fonts:


CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed

Dot Matrix fonts            


You can work with the resident label fonts via these menu options:


80. Administering InterForm400

4. Work with fonts

11. Description of ZEBRA fonts


The resident fonts are restricted to these font number ranges:


2000-2999 CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed

3000-3999 Dot Matrix fonts            


Both are described below. Please also notice that you can substitute a reference to a resident font for specific codepages. This is useful, if the printer only has limited codepage support. Alternatively you can consider to fully define the font yourself with a true Type font or to use a universal font.


CG Triumvirate



         Change ZEBRA font                                            ZEB370D  


Font  . . . . . . . . . . :  2000  CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed              


Description . . . . . . . .  CG_Triumvirate___H=_10.00/W=_5.00      




Height  . . . . . . . . . .  _10.00  1.00-792.00                              

Relative width  . . . . . .  5.00    0.20-5.00                                


Replace 0 with Ø  . . . . .       0 = No, 1 = Yes                                                                              











F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                          



Here you define the size of the font in Height, but you can even change the width of the font relatively to the standard width e.g. a relative width of 2 creates a font twice as wide as the standard font with the same height.


Replace 0 with Ø:

With this option InterForm400 can replace any zero (0) with the special character Ø, e.g. to ensure that no one mistakes a zero (0) with the letter O.



Dot matrix



         Change ZEBRA font                                            ZEB370D  


Font  . . . . . . . . . . :  3001  Dot matrix font                            


Description . . . . . . . .  Dot Matrix 11x7  H=  5   /W= 5                    


Font source . . . . . . . : 2       1 = 9x5 dot matrix                        

                                     2 = 11x7 dot matrix                      

                                     3 = 18x10 dot matrix                      

                                     4 = 26x13 dot matrix                      

                                     5 = 60x40 dot matrix                      

                                     6 = OCRA dot matrix                      

                                     7 = OCRB dot matrix                      

Height factor . . . . . . : 5      1-10                                      

Width factor  . . . . . . : 5      1-10                                      








F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                          



The height and width of dot matrix fonts can only be defined as a whole (integer) factor times the standard width/height.