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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Installation > Restore

Restore from save file in IFS

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You can restore the APF3812NEW library from the SAVF3812 file without FTP in this way:

Copy the SAVF3812 file to the IFS e.g. in /APF3812Home/Work

Create a temporary save file in QTEMP with the command: CRTSAVF QTEMP/SAVF3812

Copy the SAVF3812 file into the save file with the command:

CPYFRMSTMF FROMSTMF('/APF3812Home/Work/savf3812') TOMBR('/qsys.lib/qtemp.lib/savf3812.file') MBROPT(*REPLACE) CVTDTA(*NONE)

Restore the APF3812NEW library with the command:



Now you can continue with the installation as described below.