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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

This function can be used, if pages in a spooled file should be rearranged and sorted by one or more key values found inside.


The function can e.g. be used prior to an overlay merge.


Enter Menu point 5. Sort Definitions on the menu With 5. Work Auto Forms Control. The following screen will appear:




         Work with Sort Definitions                                   SOR300D  


Start with . . . . .     __________                                            


Type option, Press Enter.                                                      

  2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   5=Display                                    


Opt    Name         Description                                                

(No Sort definitions - F6 to create)














F3=Exit             F5=Refresh          F6=Add              F12=Cancel        





Press F6 to create a new sorter definition.


One sorter definition is specific for one type of print job, and can be referred to by any number of queues defined in AutoFormsControl.




         Update Sort Definition                                       SOR310D  


Definition name  . . . . :   PETER                                            


Description  . . . . . . .   Sort IF400DEMO                                



Insert separator page before                                                  

start of new group . . . .   *YES     *NO, *YES                                


Insert separator page if                                                      

break in sort field no . .   1       1-6                                      











F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel      




Definition name

This name will be referred to by the AFC function D=Sort Spooled File (hidden).


Insert Pages before start of new group

Stating *YES will produce an extra page in the sorted spool entry with the text SEPARATOR PAGE inserted between each sorted group within the resulting spool entry. The page will include the character string which met the sort criteria.


Insert separator page if break in sort field no.

This option defines the detail level for insertion of the separator page, e.g. stating 3 will insert a separator page if one or more characters changes within any of the intervals defined in sort field number 1 to 3. The separator page will additionally list the contents of each sort field.


Pressing Enter will bring up the following screen:



             Work with Sort Definition Details                     SOR320D


Definition name  . . . . :   PETER                                            


Start with . . . . .     ____                                                  


Type option, Press Enter.                                                      

  2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   5=Display                                    


Opt      Seqnbr.    Description                                                

(No sort definition details - F6 to create)












F3=Exit             F5=Refresh          F6=Add              F12=Cancel        



Press F6 to create a new definition.


More definitions can be created but is only relevant if the Page Selection criteria is used.



         Create Sort Definition Details                               SOR330D  


Definition name  . . . . :   DEMO                                              


Sequence number  . . . . .   __1                                                

Description  . . . . . . .   Sort_by_Customer_ID__________                


Page selection criteria                                                        


                 Print line   Position   Oper  Compare value                  

                    ___       ___ - ___  ____  _______________________________

                    ___       ___ - ___  ____  _______________________________  

                    ___       ___ - ___  ____  _______________________________  


Find sort fields in the following positions                                    

                 Sort field no.   Print line   Position   Ascending/Descending

                        1             ___      ___ - ___         _   (A D)    

                        2             ___      ___ - ___         _   (A D)    

                        3             ___      ___ - ___         _   (A D)    

                        4             ___      ___ - ___         _   (A D)    

                        5             ___      ___ - ___         _   (A D)    

                        6             ___      ___ - ___         _   (A D)    

F3=Exit          F12=Cancel      F13=Select spooled file    F18=DSPSPLF




The functionality of F13 and F18 is described for the split defintion.


Page Selection criteria

The page selection criteria should only be used if the same spooled file contains more than one page layout.


This could be the case if a spool entry contains invoices and credit notes, and the customer ID, intended for use as sort field, is placed in different line/column positions on the invoices than on the credit notes. In this case you should create two Sort Definition Details, where one compare with the text INVOICE and the other with CREDIT NOTE, and each has its own specification for the customer ID sort field.


If some of the invoices consisted of several pages of which only the first page indicate INVOICE, the successive pages will automatically follow the first page of the invoice. That means pages which are not recognized by any Page Selection criteria will in the final sort automatically succeed the last recognized page.


Print Line

The print line in the spool entry to search.



The column interval to search



The operator relating to the compare value.

The operators used are standard operators known from e.g. Query/400:



Equal to compare value


Not equal to compare value


Less than compare value


Less than or equal to compare value


Greater than compare value


Greater than or equal to compare value



Compare value

The character string or numeric value which the operator should compare with. No delimiters are used. The comparison is in reality done on hexadecimal values. This means that e.g. the figure 1 which has EBCDIC value F1h is greater than the character Z which has EBCDIC value E9h.



Find sort fields in the following positions

The Sort fields indicate the detail level of the sort process. Pages will be sorted in the same order as the sort fields. Sort field no.1 is the most significant for the sort.

Print Line

The print line in the spool entry to search.



The column interval to search.



Select the way you want to order this sorting field. If you leave it blank, it will default to ascending.




Examples Using Sort


The following makes use of the demo spool entry delivered with InterForm400®. You can print this from the menu 12. Service Functions.


On all pages the Customer ID is always four digits found in line 13 position 57 - 60:



                             Display Spooled File                              

File  . . . . . :   QPRINT                           Page/Line   1/3          

Control . . . . .                                    Columns     1 - 78        

Find  . . . . . .                                                              



       Herring Marine Research                                                

       Seaweed Street 14                                                      

       9000 Battleaxe                                                          



       Att: Martin Merman                                                      


       Re. Your new InterForm400 modules.                                      


       Congratulations with your new InterForm400 module(s).                  

       You are now able to fully exploit the benifits of combining            

       InterForm400 with one or more of the powerful modules to impress        

       your customers and ease the workflow in your organisation.              

       The following license code(s) will be needed to activate the            

       module(s) permanently to your System(s):                                


F3=Exit   F12=Cancel   F19=Left   F20=Right   F24=More keys                    



The distinction between Document Management and Modules letters is the text “Document” or “modules.” which can be located on each page in line 15 position 34 - 41.


Note that we must compare the same number of characters, which is the reason why we check for “modules.” (Including the “.”) in order to match the length of the word “Document”.



                             Display Spooled File                              

File  . . . . . :   QPRINT                           Page/Line   3/15          

Control . . . . .   +1                               Columns     1 - 78        

Find  . . . . . .                                                              


       Re. Your new InterForm400 Document Management System.                    


       Congratulations with your new InterForm400 software.                    

       InterForm400 will enable you to print Electronic Forms and perform      

       advanced data remapping and copy management of your existing SCS        

       print data. InterForm 400 exploits the advanced features of            

       standard HP-PCL printers and is the chosen document management          

       solution for over 2000 installations.                                  

       The following license code(s) will be needed to activate                

       InterForm400 permanently to your system(s):                            

       Product          Model   i-Group     Serial No.     License Code        


       InterForm400     515       i050       4449079       F2 E7 20 AA        

       InterForm400     810       i100       44B2031       AA BB 01 23        

       InterForm400     890       i600       44D3971       1A BC DE 44        

       InterForm400     520       i100       44A1460       79 10 22 F1        


F3=Exit   F12=Cancel   F19=Left   F20=Right   F24=More keys                    




Example 1. Sort by Type, “Document" letters first:

A sort definition could monitor the field with the text “Document” or “modules.”. The spool entry would then be sorted with all the Document letters first followed by the modules letters. Document letters will appear before modules letters in the resulting printout, as the sort is done alphabetically on the contents of the sort fields - with ascending (A) sort sequence..


Find sort fields in the following positions                                    

  Sort field no.  Print line   Position   Ascending/Descending

        1             _15      _34 - _41         A

        2             ___      ___ - ___         _




Example 2. Sort by Type, “modules.” letters first:

To reverse the sequence of the letters compared to above we can just state the sequence to be Descending:


Find sort fields in the following positions                                    

  Sort field no.  Print line   Position   Ascending/Descending

        1             _15      _34 - _41         D

        2             ___      ___ - ___         _




Example 3. Sort by Type and Customer ID:

To increase the detail level of the search we could have the groups of Document and modules letters sorted according to Customer ID. This would also be necessary if some of the letters consisted of more than 1 page, where page 2 and succeeding pages only indicate the customer ID, but not “Document” or “modules.”.

We add an extra sort definition, where we search for the customer ID:


Find sort fields in the following positions                                    

  Sort field no.  Print line   Position   Ascending/Descending

        1             _15      _34 - _41         A

        2             _13      _57 - _60         A



Example 4. Sort by Customer ID and type:

Another approach could be to sort by customer ID’s first and then by the type being “Document” or “modules.”. This is achieved by reversing the order of the sort fields from the previous example:


Find sort fields in the following positions                                    

  Sort field no.  Print line   Position   Ascending/Descending

        1             _13      _57 - _60         A

        2             _15      _34 - _41         A                              




In an AFC definition we can activate the sort definition SORTDEMO, by using function B:




         Update AFC-functions attached to output queues               AFC305D  


Queue:   AFC_INPUT2     Library:   APF3812                                    


Seqnbr F. Formtyp  Save Jobname    Filename   Device file  Program  UserData    





(No functions defined)                                                        




Seqnbr Function                                                                

  1,0    D        Sort Spooled File                                            


                            Sort definition name . . . . . . SORTDEMO  

                            Outque for sorted print  . . . . *INPUT      

                              Library  . . . . . . . . . . .    __________      

                            Form type  . . . . . . . . . . . SORTDONE  



F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        




This will cause the demo spool entry to have pages sorted into another SCS spool entry with form type SORTDONE is created and placed after the original spool entry in the same queue.


We can now merge the new spool entry with an overlay conditioned by the Form Type SORTDONE or by using an Overlay Selector:




         Update AFC-functions attached to output queues               AFC305D  


Queue:   AFC_INPUT2     Library:   APF3812                                    


Seqnbr F. Formtyp  Save Jobname    Filename   Device file  Program  UserData    

 0001  D  DEMO                                                            

          Sort, def: SORTDEMO outq *DEFAULT &form type: SORTDONE          







Seqnbr Function   Attributtes of input file for which to execute the function  

  2,0    1        Form type  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SORTDONE              

                  Save attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . _                    

                  Jobname  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __________            

                  Spooled file name  . . . . . . . . . . __________            

                  Device file  . . . . . . . . . . . . . __________              

                    Library  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   __________            

                  Program that opened file . . . . . . . __________              

                    Library  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   __________                

                  User-specified data  . . . . . . . . . __________                    

F3=Exit           F13=Fold/Unfold                           F12=Cancel        






         Update AFC-functions attached to output queues               AFC305D  


Queue:   AFC_INPUT2     Library:   APF3812                                    


Seqnbr F. Formtyp  Save Jobname    Filename   Device file  Program  UserData    

 0001  D  DEMO                                                            

          Sort, def: SORTDEMO outq *DEFAULT &form type: SORTDONE          







Seqnbr Function                                                                

  2,0    1        Merge with overlay                                          


                  Output queue for merged print  . *DEFAULT              

                    Library  . . . . . . . . . . .    __________                

                  Printer type . . . . . . . . . .  __________              

                  Unicode output . . . . . . . . . *INPUT        *INPUT, *YES    

                  Merge overprint lines  . . . . . *NO          *NO, *YES  

                  Find overlay in form type table   _     (Y N)                



F3=Exit           F13=Fold/Unfold                           F12=Cancel        




The Sorted spool entry from example 4, including a definition of insertion of a separator page if break in sort field number 2 would look like this:




                              DISPLAY SPOOL FILE

File  . . . . . :   QPRINT                            Page/Line 1/1

Function  . . . .                                     Columns   1 - 78

Search for  . . .                                                        


** SEPERATOR PAGE **          



      Florence Flowers                                                      

      Tulip Road 16                                                          

      4000 Marigold                                                          



      Att: Susan Sunflower                                                  


      Re. Your new InterForm400 modules.                                    


      Congratulations with your new InterForm400 module(s).                  

      You are now able to fully exploit the benifits of combining            

      InterForm400 with one or more of the powerful modules to impress      

      your customers and ease the workflow in your organisation.                  

F3=Exit     F12=Cancel     F19=Left     F20=Right     F24=More keys    




TIP: You can use the sort selection criteria that is included on the separator page (in this example 1001 or InterForm400®) to have an overlay selector pick an overlay that prints the separator page to be with a special overlay or from another drawer, e.g. with coloured paper.