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InterFormNG Manual 2020

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The Logs in InterFormNG

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InterFormNG generates two kinds of logs:


The log files

The log files are available in any version of InterFormNG. These log files are placed in {INTERFORMNG_HOME}/profiles/default/Logs, and can e.g. be displayed via the web interface.

The directory contains these files (and older versions with a timestamp):



- and a directory named processinglogs, which may contain log files from individual, processed files.

The log files contains all information about the processed input files and errors, that might have occurred.

Details of the log files and the contents can be found here.


A Log database

An extra log database is also available. With this database you get a much better overview of processed files and the results via a web interface. The log database is optional i.e. you decide if you want to enable this or not. En extra option of the Log database is to send an email notification in case of an error occurs during processing.


Below both logs are explained.