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InterFormNG2 Manual

Choose this option to work with the IFORMNG2 subsystem e.g. to check the status or joblog of the IFORMNG jobs:



                             Work with Active Jobs                     PMK250   

                                                             30/03/20  22:52:06 

 CPU %:      .0     Elapsed time:   00:00:00     Active jobs:   260             


 Opt  Subsystem/Job  User        Type  CPU %  Function        Status            

      IFORMNG2       QSYS        SBS      .0                   DEQW             

        IFORMNG2     IFORMNG2    BCH      .0  PGM-NGQ500C      DEQW             

        MONITOR      IFORMNG2    BCH      .0  PGM-NGQ500C      DEQW             

        QP0ZSPWP     IFORMNG2    BCI      .0  PGM-QZSHCHLD     EVTW

        QP0ZSPWP     IFORMNG2    BCI      .3  JVM-InterformN   THDW

        QZSHSH       IFORMNG2    BCI      .0  PGM-QZSHSH       EVTW            







 F21=Display instructions/keys                                                  



Apart from other jobs there are one job for each monitored output queue. The output queues IFORMNG2 and MONITOR are monitored above.