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InterFormNG2 Manual

One of the InterFormNG2 modules is spool2XML. When it comes to spooled file support in InterFormNG2 you have two options:


1.You can use the spool2XML module to convert input spooled files into XML files, that are placed in the IFS, where InterFormNG2 is expected to pick up the XML files.

2.You can also load and monitor spooled files directly in InterFormNG2.


It is important, that Spool2XML and InterFormNG2 is not monitoring the same output queues. You can combine the two spooled file monitors on the same machine, if they are monitoring different output queues.


Limitations and prerequisites of Spool2XML

Please notice, that only Single byte character set spooled files are supported - not DBCS. Mixed byte character set spooled files (e.g. codepage 935) are supported in the way that the DBCS contents are ignored.


Spool2XML can only be used with spooled files, that has been generated with an externally described printer file, and the printer file should also refer to the input fields and not e.g. use generic fields.


You need to be able to change the library list of the job, that generates the spooled files and thereby select between different printer files.


It is recommended to test thoroughly if your spooled files can be handled by Spool2XML before purchasing this module.


Spool2XML is covered in these sections:


General description of Spool2XML

InterFormNG2 setup and settings on IBM i.

The IFormNG2 menu overview

The CVPRTFXML command.

Spool2XML troubleshooting