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InterFormNG2 Manual

The IFORMNG/CVTPRTFXML command is essential in Spool2XML as this command is able to generate an new printer file (that generates a special XML spooled file) based on a normal printer file.


The XML spooled file will contain a subtree for each record format and each field inside the record format will be represented by a node in this subtree. Any constants in the printer file will be ignored.


The new XML printer file will for the printing program look EXACTLY as the original so no level check error will be issued when putting this into production.


The command looks like this:



                    Convert Printer File to XML (CVTPRTFXML)                    


 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     


 From file  . . . . . . . . . . . FROMFILE     > NG402PR      Name                  

   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .              >   KSE        Name, *LIBL                  

 To file  . . . . . . . . . . . . TOFILE       > NG402PR      Name, *FROMFILE                  

   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .              >   KSE_HIGH   Name                  

 Printer file output queue  . . . OUTQ           *JOB         Name, *JOB                  

   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .                             Name, *LIBL                  

 Include comments . . . . . . . . INCCOMMENT     *YES         *YES, *NO                  

 New page format(s) . . . . . . . NEWPAGFMT      *AUTO        Name, *AUTO, *FIRST, *ALL                  

                           + for more values                                    

 Reuse XML-definition file  . . . REFFILE                                                                                                  

   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .                                                                                                           







 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    

 F24=More keys                                                                  



The fields are these:



The original printer file, that should be converted.



The name (and library) of the new XML printer file, that is the result of the conversion. You should specify the same name for the printer as the from file above - but use a different library. It is recommended to place the new printer file in another library than the original, so that you can later select between the original and the converted printer file by changing the library list for the relevant job.



The output queue of the new XML printer file. As default this will be *JOB. After the conversion the new XML printer file has been created and a new XML definition is

also added. You can now edit the preferences for the conversion into XML in the XML definition.



Here you can state if the comments from the printer file should also be included in the output XML spooled file.



If you are going to convert a printer file, that is very similar to a printer file, that has previously been converted (and has been setup with e.g. parent/child definitions), then you can here refer to the existing, converted printer file, that is registered as an XML definition in option 2 of the IFORMNG2/IFORMNG2 menu. If you refer to such a printer file, then all definitions are copied for the matching printer file formats and fields. In this way you can reuse as much of the old definitions as possible.