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InterFormNG2 Manual

The fragment option in Spool2XML defines how the XML spooled file is to be converted into an XML file.

With the fragment options you can remove and/or merge multiple nodes and you can also split up the XML spooled file into multiple output XML files.


In Spool2XML you have these fragment options:


0=Ignore fragment processing

1=Single fragments file    

2=Multiple fragment files    



The fragment can be activated/set on both the XML definitions and on the monitored output queues.


The options above can be set on the XML definition and on the monitored output queues you can choose these fragment options:


Blank=Use definition setting

0=Ignore fragment processing

1=Single fragments file    

2=Multiple fragment files  


So it means, that with the first (default), blank setting the setting on the XML definition will be used. For the other options you can overrule the settings of the XML definition. In this way you can make Spool2XML behave differently (when it comes to fragmentation) depending on the monitored output queue in which the spooled file is found.


You can only activate the 3=Treebuilder option on the XML definition.

The reason for this is, that the Treebuilder option is incompatible with the other fragment options, so on the XML definition you need to decide, if it is to be used with the treebuilder option or not.


The fragment options are covered in the sections below.