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InterFormNG2 Manual

Select option 1. Work with monitored output queues  on the IFORMNG2/IFORMNG menu to work with the output queues, that are monitored by IFormNG2 for new XML Spooled Files:



          Work with monitored output queues                            NGQ300D 


 Type options, press Enter.                                                    

   1=Start monitoring   2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   5=Display               

   9=End monitoring   12=Work with output queue                                


 Opt  Queue       Library     Description                                      

      IFORMNG2    QUSRSYS     Default output queue for InterForm NG            

      MONITOR     QUSRSYS                                                      














 F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F11=View 2   F12=Cancel                    



For each output queue listed you can enable or disable the monitor by selecting option ‘1=Start monitoring’ or ‘9=End monitoring’. This starts and stops a job in the IFORMNG2 subsystem.


If you want to add a new monitored output queue, you will first need to create the output queue yourself (CRTOUTQ) and then add it here with F6=Create. The create screen looks like this:



          Create monitored output queue                                NGQ310D 


 Monitored output queue . .   INPUTQ                                           

   Library  . . . . . . . .     QUSRSYS                                        


 Description  . . . . . . .   My Monitored output queue                        


 Default output queue . . .   OUT_OUTQ                                         

   Library  . . . . . . . .     QUSRSYS                                        


 Create fragments . . . . .                  Blank=Use definition setting      

                                             0=Ignore fragment processing      

                                             1=Single fragments file           

                                             2=Multiple fragment files         


 Code page  . . . . . . . .                  Blank=System value (QCHRID)       


 Move, keep, hold or delete processed spooled files:                           

 Output queue . . . . . . .   *KEEP          Name, *KEEP, *HOLD, *DELETE       

   Library  . . . . . . . .                                                    



 F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                          




          Create monitored output queue                                NGQ310D 



 Auto start job . . . . . .   Y              Y=Yes, N=No                       


 Exit program . . . . . . .   XML_INBOX      Name, *NONE                       

   Library  . . . . . . . .     IFORMNG                                        
















 F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                          



The fields are these:


Monitored output queue

The output queue where the XML spooled file(s) are expected to arrive. You need to create the output queue yourself (CRTOUTQ) before you can add it here.



Description of this output queue


Default output queue

The output queue where InterFormNG will print the merged result. You can use the exit program below to override this and let e.g. the workflow of InterFormNG decide what should happen.

This output queue is also inserted in the output XML file, so that the workflow in InterFormNG can react accordingly.


Create fragments

With this you decide if the single original spooled file should be split up into several XML files e.g. if several documents (e.g. invoices) are included. This can either refer to the XML definition for the specific spooled file or overrule this to let the output queue decide the output. By setting the field here you can let the output queue decide what to do. On runtime you can e.g. override (or temporarily change) the printer file depending on what should happen. Please notice, that there is an additional fragment value possible on the conversion definition (printer file).


Code page

The EBCDIC code page used for the incoming spooled files.


Move, keep, hold or delete..

This tells Spool2XML what to do with the incoming XML files after they have been handled by the output queue monitor. If you want to move the spooled files, then you state the output queue here.


Auto start job

Tells if you want to start monitoring this output queue when then IFORMNG2 subsystem is started. Normally this should be ‘Y’.

It is recommended to ensure, that the IFORMNG2/IFORMNG2 subsystem is started automatically during IPL. Such an automatic start should be inserted as one of the last commands  in the program referenced in the system value, QSTRUPPGM. At best a MONMSG CPF0000 should also be added after the start of this subsystem. Please refer to your system administrator or InterForm support for more details.


Exit program

Normally Spool2XML will create a merged spooled file on an output queue set above. You can however override this by stating an exit program. Demo sources for such programs are included in the source file, APISRC in the IFORMNG library. The related sources are these:





Moves the XML file into the XML_INBOX for automatic processing in InterFormNG2


Calls an AS400 command input workflow via the command, NG2CMD. This can be used in order to make sure, that

spooled file as are processed in the right sequence. You need to compile this in your own library to use it. Please notice the

prerequisites listed in the program source.


Demo source - use as inspiration but not for production.


So if you e.g. set the exit program to be XML_INBOX in library IFORMNG2, then you can define all processing in InterFormNG2 e.g. in the workflow. This makes it easier, if you e.g. want to email or create PDF files.


It is a very good idea to copy the demo source to another library (never place any additional objects in the IFORMNG2 library as they will stay in the old library after a future upgrade of InterFormNG2), make any necessary changes in the copy and compile it into your own library.