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InterFormNG2 Manual

The IformNG2 main menu (Spool2XML) is shown with this command:




This menu is shown:



IFORMNG2                InterForm NG2 Main Menu                               


Select one of the following:                         System . . . :  PMK250   

                                                     User . . . . :  KSE      

   Administration                                    Version  . . :  1.6.0b   

     1. Work with monitored output queues                                     

     2. Work with XML definitions                                             

     5. Work with IFORMNG2 output queue                                       


    10. Start IFORMNG2 subsystem                                              

    11. End IFORMNG2 subsystem                                                

    12. Work with IFORMNG2 subsystem                                          



    31. Display print service log                                             

    51. Adjust CPI - *AFPDS configuration                                     

    91. License

    92. Change NG2 installation                                                               


Selection or command                                                          



F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F9=Retrieve   F12=Cancel                                

F13=Information Assistant  F16=System main menu                               




These are the menu options:

(Each menu option is described in linked sections below).


1. Work with monitored output queues

The output queues monitored by IFormNG400 for new XML spooled files.


2. Work with XML definitions

The XML definitions refer to a printer file, decides if the original output should be split up into

several XML files, selects the InterFormNG template for the merge and an output queue for the

final, merged output from InterFormNG.


5. Work with IFORMNG2 output queue

The merged result from InterFormNG2 are created as spooled files on output queues.


10. Start IFORMNG2 subsystem

Start the IFORMNG2 subsystem. This is where all IFormNG400 related jobs run.


12. Work with IFORMNG2 subsystem

Lists all jobs in the IFORMNG2 subsystem.


31. Display Print service log

Displays the service log file from InterFormNG2. The log can also directly in the IFS inside /iformng2/InterFormNG-shell/user/profiles/default/logs/interformng2.log and you can also see the same log as the system log of InterFormNG2.


51. Adjust CPI - *AFPDS configuration

If you process AFPDS spooled files in InterFormNG2, then you might need to expand the input spooled file, when the contents is mapped to lines and positions - especially if small fonts are used in the input spooled file. This section explains how you can set this up.


91. License

The InterFormNG2 and Spool2XML functions, that you can execute via an IBM i command line can only be executed, if a valid license code can be found. A valid license code can be registered in 3 places: As a system license code in InterFormNG2, a tenant license code in InterFormNG2 and also via this option.


92. Change NG2 installation

As default the service jobs for both Spool2XML as well as for InterFormNG2 (to run it natively) are started as a part of the subsystem, IFORMNG2/IFORMNG2. With this option you can decide to only start one or the other of these servers.