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InterFormNG2 Manual

The Spool2XML and InterFormNG2 commands: CVTPRTFXML, NG2CMD and NG2CPDEML commands all require a valid license. The fastest way for these commands to check for a valid license is via a license code, that is registered via option 91. License on the IFORMNG2 menu, but if InterFormNG2 is also running on the same machine, then the commands can also use the InterFormNG2 license instead.


If you run Spool2XML on a separate machine than InterFormNG2, then you will actually need to register a license key via this option.


When you select this menu option you will see this:



 Work with InterFormNG license code(s)                                         


 License is validated on system with:                                          

 Serial no . . . . . . . . . : 785F48X                                         

 Processor feature . . . . . : EPXK                                            


 Primary License:                                                              

  Expiry date  . . . . . . . :  20300101                                       

  License type . . . . . . . :  00 ( 00=*ALL , 01=*XML , 02=*SPLF )            

  License code . . . . . . . :  35C27E9EE3CXX615B931861F890F921D               

  License status . . . . . . :  License Valid                                  


 Secondary license:                                                            

  Expiry date  . . . . . . . :  *BLANKS                                        

  License type . . . . . . . :     ( 00=*ALL , 01=*XML , 02=*SPLF )            

  License code . . . . . . . :                                                 

  License status . . . . . . :  License not found                              


 NG2 hosted License found:                                                     

  License for XML  . . . . . :  License Valid                                  

  License for SPLF . . . . . :  License Valid                                  


 F3=Exit         F12=Cancel                                                    



The license screen refers to 3 licenses, where the first two can be entered via the screen above.


Either of the primary and the secondary license can be used. There are two for those customers, that is running Spool2XML (and/or InterFormNG2) on a mirrored machine. So you can enter the license code to match both of the machines and in this way Spool2XML does not care (in regards to the license) on which of the mirrored machine that you are currently running.


The entry fields

The entry fields on the license menu are:


Expiry date

The date when the license key runs out. You need to type a date, that match the license code, that you have been given.


License type

What functionality, that is included in the license. You need to type the right value specified with the license code. The possible values are:


You can use the product for both spooled file and XML files as created via Spool2XML.


Only the XML funtionality of Spool2XML can be used, but spooled file support in InterFormNG2 is not included.


Only the spooled file funtionality can be used, but XML support (Spool2XML) in InterFormNG2 is not included.


License code

The license code for the functionality above.



The output fields

The output fields on the license menu are:


Serial number

The serial number of the IBM i on which this menu is running.


Processor feature

The processor feature code (DSPSYSVAL QPRCFEAT) of the IBM i on which this menu is running.


License status

The validity of the license code.


NG2 hosted License found

This section shows if it has been possible to get a valid license from InterFormNG2 on the same machine.

The two fields are:


License for XML

Here you can see, if InterFormNG2 contains a valid license code, that allows XML support on the commands above. If a valid license has been found, then you will see the text as above: License Valid. If the IFORMNG2 subsystem is not running (so that InterFormNG2 cannot reply) then you will see the text: License check timeout. In case of a timeout you probably have not started the IFORMNG2 subsystem. If you start it, then this output field will show the result to indicate what license you have in InterFormNG2.


License for SPLF

Here you can see if InterFormNG2 has replied and confirmed, that you have a valid license to work with spooled files in InterFormNG2.Details are the same as for License for XML above.