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InterFormNG2 Manual

The workflow editor in InterFormNG2 is helpful in the way that it keeps track of the file/data type, that is currently stored in the payload. In that way the editor warns you, if you are trying to execute a component, that is unable to handle the current payload and it also only allows you to insert new components, that can handle the current payload as input.


In some situations it can however be useful to overrule the file type, that the workflow has in the payload and in this way force the workflow to handle the payload as another file type, than it seems to be.


This is exactly what the advanced utilities workflow component, Force content type comes in. The component has one parameter:




Input type

Here you select the data type, that the payload really is. The file types are listed here.




One example where this workflow component can be used is e.g. if you want to handle an input spooled file as an xml file. When InterFormNG2 loads a spooled file, then it is really stored as an XML file, so after running this component you can use all of the normal XML related workflow components to work on the spooled file - as an XML.