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Advanced Utilities workflow components

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The advanced utilities workflow components are:


1.Append to zip archive. Appends the payload to a zip file. The zip file will be created, if the referenced zip file does not exist

2.Attachment to payload. Takes a named attachment, removes it and inserts it as the current payload of the current workflow.

3.Base64 XML node to payload. If a resource is included as base 64 in an input XML file, then you can use this component to extract the resource from the input file into the payload.

4.Database SQL select. This is a workflow component for an SQL lookup similar to the built in function: ng:databaseLookup.

5.Database SQL update. Use this workflow component to update or insert records in the database table.

6.Delete file. Use this to delete a file from the system where InterFormNG2 is running.

7.Delete resource. You can use this e.g. to delete a resource, that was temporarily generated.

8.DigitalSign cloud PDF signing. This is a special component for signing invoices in Portugal.

9.Error workflow component. Sets up a (new) workflow to be called, if an error should occur.

10.Execute native O/S command. This component executes a native operating system command on which the application is running.

11.Force content type. This overrules the file type of the payload and force a specific type. This can e.g. be used, if you want to process a spooled file as an XML.

12.From attachment to file. Copies a workflow attachment into a file.

13.From attachment to resource. Copies a workflow attachment into a resource in the Library.

14.From attachment to variable. This component copies the contents of a workflow attachment into a variable.

15.From file to attachment. Use this component to retrieve the contents of a file from the folder system and put it into an attachment in the workflow.

16.From file to payload. This component retrieves the contents of a file from the folder system and overwrites the payload of the workflow.

17.From file to resource. Copies the contents of a file into an InterFormNG2 resource.

18.From file to workflow variable.Copies the contents of a file into an InterFormNG2 variable.

19.From variable to attachment. Copies the contents of a workflow variable into an attachment in the workflow.

20.From variable to file. Copies the contents of a workflow variable into a file.

21.From variable to payload. Copies the contents of a workflow variable into the workflow payload.

22.From variable to resource. Use this workflow component to copy the contents of a variable into a Library resource.

23.Initialize zip archive. This workflow component initializes a zip archive with a specific ID. If an archive with this ID already exists, it will be re-initialized (all content is lost).

24.Log to XML. Retrieve a log tree and copy it into the payload of the workflow.

25.Named property to payload. Loads a previously saved property back into the payload.This have earlier been saved with the Payload to named property component.

26.New log line. Can be used for creating multiple job logs from a single input file. This is useful, if e.g. the input file is split up.

27.Payload to named property. Copies the current payload of the workflow into a named property. This can later be retrieved with the component, Named property to payload.

28.Payload to workflow variable. Copies the current payload into a workflow variable.

29.PDF digitally sign. Adds a digital signature to a PDF file.

30.PDF Metadata to XML. Extracts properties from the PDF file in the payload into an XML file, which replace the payload.

31.PDF Protect/restrict. Sets access passwords for the PDF file and resticts print, copy and read options.

32.Repeat workflow component. Enables repeat for elements in the workflow. This can e.g. be used for handling details of an input file.

33.Remove a node from XML. This removes one or multiple nodes from the XML payload file. that fits an xpath expression.

34.Replace non-breaking space component. This component can be used for removing non breaking spaces (NBSP) from an input XML file. Such characters can cause an issue when rendering the output, if the non breaking space is not included in the used font.

35.Retry-repeat workflow component. This can be used, if you want the workflow to retry an action up to a fixed number of retries, if the action should fail. This can be useful for interaction with 3rd party applications or servers.

36.Shorten meta data names. Use this to remove a common prefix from all meta data keys in the current workflow.

37.XML remove name spaces. Removes all name spaces from the XML file in the workflow payload.

38.Zip to payload. This workflow component will close a zip archive and move it to the payload. You can then do further processing on it, such as saving it to a file.