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InterFormNG2 Manual

This advanced workflow component, Replace non-breaking space replaces any non-breaking space (nbsp) hexadecimal 0A or C2A0 in UTF-8 with a normal space in an XML file. An alternative to this component (and more detailed information) is found in the troubleshooting section.


This can be used in order to avoid the error:

Error during rendering: Message: org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TrueTypeFont.getAdvanceWidth(I) during processing.


Non-breaking spaces is a way to insert a space in a text/string while indicating, that the previous and following words are not to be split into separate lines.


The problem with a non-breaking space can be, that this character may not be supported in the font, that you are using and/or is not supported by the barcode type in which this text might be used for.


One alternative solution could be to make sure to use a font, that does include the non-breaking space.

Another alternative solution is to manually search and replace any non-breaking spaces in a string before using it in a text.


The Replace non-breaking space component has no parameters, it accepts XML as input and this component simply replace any non-breaking spaces with a normal space and return the changed contents into the payload of the workflow.


If you want to make sure, that a non-breaking space in an input file cannot cause an issue, then you can execute this component early in the workflow.