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InterFormNG2 Manual

The advanced, utilities workflow component, From Windows share to named attachment enables you to load a file from a Windows share (SMB 2/3) into a named attachment in the workflow.


The component has these parameters:




Attachment name

The name of the attachment in the workflow to receive the data.


Server address

The IP-address or DNS server name of the remote machine, where you want to save the output file to.



The file share name on the remote Windows server. This points to a directory/folder on the remote machine. This link might help you to define a share on the remote server:


Path and file name

The path and file name on the remote server relatively to the shared directory..


User name

InterFormNG2 need to have credentials in order to gain access to the remote server. Here you state the user ID/name.



InterFormNG2 need to have credentials in order to gain access to the remote server. Here you state the password for the user stated above.


Domain (optional)

The domain for the user mentioned above - if required by the remote server.