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InterFormNG2 Manual

Navigation: Logs > Job logs

How to set a job log key

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On the list of job logs there is a column 2 named File name or key.


Normally this column lists the name of the input file, but you can set a key value for this during processing in the workflow, so that you can uniquely identify the input file from this view and e.g. even search for this unique key.


To set a log key value you should use the workflow component: Log info key component for a single job log entry for a job. Alternatively you can use the New log line workflow component, if a single job should create multiple entries in the job log. This is e.g. the case, if the job log is to split the input file and you want one entry for each of the splitted files. In this case it is recommended to insert the New log line component as the first component directly after the split.