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InterFormNG2 Manual

Navigation: Logs > Job logs

Search in Job logs

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You have multiple ways to search for a specific job log in the list of all processed files in InterFormNG2:




The status of the individual job logs is indicated by the color:











To search you first need to type in or select the parameters on the top and then click the blue search icon.


As the search text you can use AND and OR and even () in order to define a more advanced search. If you combine multiple search fields in the components, Log info key and New log line, then you can here do an advanced search. If you e.g. search for "Invoice AND (_Bo OR _Kim)", then you will see the list of joblogs, that concerns invoices created by Kim or Bo (here an underscore is used as a delimiter and this is used in order to avoid false matches as the search is searching the complete job log.


If the search takes long a waiting animation is shown while InterFormNG2 is searching the logs.


The parameters are:



If you want to restrict the list to only include entries, that are using a specific module in InterFormNG2, then you can use this. The drop down list only shows the modules, that have been used on the machine, so only a subset of all modules are shown.



The status of the processing. Possible values are:


List jobs with all statuses.


List only jobs, that processed without any errors or warnings


List only jobs, that issued a warning during processing.


The list of jobs, that stopped with an error.


Older than

Here you can type a date in the format yyyy-mm-dd. Any job log entry older than this date is shown, when you click search.



Here you can type in a search text. The search in case-insensitive. Any job with a file name or job log key, that contains the search text is shown.



On the right you can click the arrows next to < PAGE 1 > to roll up or down in the list.