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Getting familiar with PDF bookmarks

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Getting familiar with PDF Bookmarks


In order to demonstrate how to insert PDF bookmarks we will go through the process necessary to insert these bookmarks when creating a PDF file based on the InterForm400 demo spooled file:





The idea is, that the first level contains information of the customer number. Each customer could have subsidaries in different cities, so level 2 refers to each zipcode and city. Level 3 finally points out each contact person for each subsidary.


From the InterForm400 main menu select 5. Work with Auto Forms Control and 6. PDF bookmark definitions followed by F6=Create to start creating a new PDF bookmark definition:  



         Create PDF Bookmark definition                               BMK310D  


Bookmark definition name .   DEMOSPOOL_                                      


Description  . . . . . . .   Bookmarks for the Demo Spooled File            


Display bookmarks at open.   1        0=No  1=Yes                              



Above we have stated a name and description for the definition and decided, that the bookmarks should be visible when opening the PDF file later. Press Enter to proceed. Here you will see a list of bookmark detail lines, that is empty. Press F6=Create to create a new sequence line:



        Create PDF Bookmark details                                  BMK330D  


Sequence number  . . . . .   000                                              


Description  . . . . . . .   All_pages_________________________                


Type option, Press Enter.                                                      



Opt    Definition                                                              

 _     Page selection                                                          

 _     Initial open level                                                      

 _     Level-1                                                                

 _     Level-2                                                                

 _     Level-3                                                                

 _     Level-4                                                                

 _     Level-5                                                                

 _     Level-6                                                                





F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                          



Through Page selection we could have inserted conditions so we could handle bookmark differently for some of the pages, but as this spooled file is the same for all pages, this will not be used here.


Initial open level tells to what degree the bookmarks should be expanded. Here we use '1' as we want this display when we open the PDF file:




The definitions for the individual levels are shown below:





    Field    Prefix            Print line   Position  

     1       Cust._No._______     _13       _57 - _60

     2       ________________     ___       ___ - ___



    Color                      _3      F4=List        






    Field    Prefix            Print line   Position  

     1       Zip_____________     __8       __8 - 11

     2       City____________     __8       _13 - 40



    Color                      _5      F4=List                                                            






    Field    Prefix            Print line   Position  

     1       _______________      _11       __8 - _35

     2       _______________      ___       ___ - ___



    Color                      _8      F4=List        




When done defining the levels you just press Enter several times and the bookmark definition has been saved.


As the final thing we want to use the PDF Bookmark definition. You can do it in this manner:


Create the demo spooled file.


With the same interactive job you go to a command line and type the command:




This will create a pdf file with the same name as your user ID in the /APF3812Home/VIEW directory. If you have access to this directory from your PC and you have associated .PDF with Acrobat Reader it will show you the result automatically.


Go through the setup described here, if Acrobat Reader does not start or does not show the PDF file.