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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

PDF File Bookmarks


From the InterForm400 main menu select 5. Work with Auto Forms Control followed by 6. PDF bookmark definitions. Here you can define how bookmarks should be inserted when you create a PDF file in InterForm400.


Note, that alternatively you can also include &&BMK commands in the input spooled file you merge with to insert bookmarks.


You can then later refer to a bookmark definition, when you create a PDF file in InterForm400.


When you create a new bookmark definition you are presented with this screen:



         Create PDF Bookmark definition                               BMK310D  


Bookmark definition name .   FIN_REPORT_                                        


Description  . . . . . . .   Bookmarks_for_financial_report___________        


Display bookmarks at open.   1        0=No  1=Yes    



Here you state a name for the bookmark definition, a description and select if the bookmarks should be displayed when the PDF file is opened or not.


When you press Enter/F3/F12 you will see this screen:



         Work with PDF Bookmark details                               BMK320D  


Bookmark definition . :   BOOKMRK1                                            


Position to . . . . . .   ____  Sequence number                                


Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   5=Display   7=Rename                          


Opt     Seqnbr.   Description                                                  

 _      000       All pages                                                    












F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F12=Cancel                                



Here you can define one or more rules for when and how bookmarks should be inserted. Press F6 to add a new one:



         Create PDF Bookmark details                                  BMK330D  


Sequence number  . . . . .   000                                              


Description  . . . . . . .   ____                                          


Type option, Press Enter.                                                      



Opt    Definition                                                              

 _     Page selection                                                          

 _     Initial open level                                                      

 _     Level-1                                                                

 _     Level-2                                                                

 _     Level-3                                                                

 _     Level-4                                                                

 _     Level-5                                                                

 _     Level-6                                                                





F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                                                                                                          



Page selection:        If you want to use more than one rule (or sequence) for the bookmarks in one spooled file, you need to restrict the sequence to some of the pages only by specifying rules in 'Page selection'. Otherwise skip this part. Refer to the section below for details.


Initial open level:        

You can decide if the nested bookmarks should be expanded (and to what level) or not when opening the PDF file. If you use '0' or blank for this, then all levels are expanded. Any other value will expand all levels down to the specified number.


Level 1-6:                

Select one of these to specify the bookmarks at a certain level:



         Change PDF Bookmark details                                  BMK330D  


Sequence number  . . . . :   000                                              


Description  . . . . . . .   All pages                                        





    Field    Prefix            Print line   Position                          

     1       Zip:___________      __8       __8 - _11                          

     2       City:__________      __8       _13 - _40                          



    Color                     __5      F4=List                                








F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                          



Above we have defined the second level. The fields 1 and 2 will be concatenated to make the full text of the bookmark. So you can insert fixed text (prefix) followed by text from the spooled file page to define each field. You can use any colour for the bookmark. Define your own colours if necessary by use of option 7. Work with palette colors from the InterForm400 administration menu.


The information used from the spooled file will be inspected by the bookmark generator. Only when this information changes a new bookmark will be generated.


NOTE: Text for bookmarks must be placed in a fixed position on the page. If you want to search for a certain text and insert bookmarks if found you could consider to use the APF3812/CRTPBSPLF command to do copy the floating information into a fixed spot of a new *SCS spooled file before merging. This could be called from an AFC user exit program.