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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Installation > Install Swiftview

Preview troubleshooting

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Requirements for running SwiftView:

1. You must connect to the System i via TCP/IP from a Windows PC with iSeries  Access or other 5250 emulator supporting both STRPCO and the STRPCCMD  commands.


2. The user must have full authorisation over the directory: \\system\APF3812Home\VIEW. You can grant these rights with the command:




3. The system name defined in the InterForm400® administration menu 2. Configure InterForm 400, must correspond to the system name shown with the command APF3812/DSPNETSVRA or use the IP-address of the System i.


4. Port number 445 must be open in any firewall the PC may access the iSeries through.



Setting up a SwiftView user.

This is described here.

If InterForm400 is running with a normal production license code, you will only have permission to use Swiftview with one, named user profile. If a code is installed for activating more SwiftView licenses, the user profiles activating the viewer will automatically be assigned to the group of users for access to SwiftView.


If all licenses are already occupied, every new user will be informed about this, when trying to activate the viewer. In this case, either order the needed number of SwiftView licenses, or replace an existing user profile in menu 51. SwiftView users.


Setting up IBM i Access, enabling PCL-viewing

1. Use the command:



- to display the NetServer Name and Domain of the System i. The Netserver name is the name, that you could use for your System i when configuring iSeries Access Express - you can also use the IP-Address instead.


The NetServer Name should not be the same as the System i System name. The system name can be displayed with the command, DSPNETA. If the names are identical you could change the Netserver name with the command, APF3812/CHGNETSVRA.


2. Start the NetServer with the command:



3. The person that should be able to view, must have full authorisation over the directory: \\system\apf3812Home\view. You can grant these rights with the command:



When viewing graphically (PCL or PDF) a file will be created in the APF3812Home/VIEW directory, that others can access/view. To avoid that you can specify, that the PUBLIC authority of these temporary files should be *EXCLUDE.


4. Create a new System i connection in iSeries Access stating the new System i server name.



5. Start up a new session and change the new network name to Qxxxxxxxx

under option 2. Setup default output queue and printer type, in 80. Administration Menu.


6. You should also make sure to start the Netserver on the System i. This can be done with the command: STRHOSTSVR SERVER(*ALL). You should also make sure to use the System i system name (on the PC and in InterForm400®, that you can find using the Explorer and opening the Other Computers folder.


You can choose to map a Network drive to APF3812Home from Explorer on your PC: Choose ‘Tools’ and ‘Map Network drive..’ and ‘\\<IP-Address of System>\APF3812Home’ as the directory. This is helpful later when moving resources to/from the shared /APF3812Home/Work directory.


When configuring Netserver and share these commands could be very helpful:

(All are placed in library, APF3812)


NetServer commands:


Display NetServer  Attributes


Change  NetServer Attributes


Start  NetServer


End  NetServer


NetServer share commands:


Add NetServer File Share


Add NetServer Printer Share


Remove NetServer Share



Setup preview from the graphical designer

To be able to preview from the graphical designer it is important, that you refer to the same name (either the exact same host name or same IP-address - not a mix) for the IBM i in these setups:

1.In the InterForm400 configuration.

2.For the Netserver access e.g. for mapping a drive.

3.When you sign on to the graphical designer.




Troubleshooting problems using SwiftView:

If you receive an error when starting up SwiftView (using e.g. F14), you might get some help here.


When using the full iSeries Access the System i name used on the PC can be found, by choosing Start, Programs, IBM iSeries Access, Connections. Additional information for iSeries Access Express can be found below.


Problem: When pressing F14 from the design screen a DOS window opens and shuts very quickly.

Solution: Install SwiftView as described above in the first paragraph of Setting up a SwiftView user. Make sure, that the APF3812 directory is created at the C-drive of the PC AND that the file SVIEW.EXE has been copied to that directory. If the directory and file has not been copied make sure, that you are authorized to the /APF3812Home/VIEW directory (see requirement 5), and that the System i name in InterForm400® is the same as used on the PC (see requirement 5) and then try installing SwiftView again.


Problem: When starting up SwiftView, you get a small window with the message: Unusual file access failure, check NDGDBUG \\systemi\APF3812Home\VIEW\user.

Solution: Make sure, that the AS400 system name set up in InterForm400® is the same as used on the PC (see requirement 5 above). If the System i is not found on the same network and not on the DNS server, you might need to add the System i to the HOSTS file on the PC like described below.


Problem: When starting up SwiftView, you get a small window with the message:

Access to the file is not permitted \\systemi\APF3812Home\VIEW\user.

Solution: You are not authorized to the APF3812Home/VIEW directory. Do as described in requirement 3 as above. You will also get this error message if your User ID and password on the PC does not fit with the User ID and password of the System i.



Problem: When trying to access APF3812Home through a mapped network drive on the PC and you get this error message:

‘An error occoured while connecting <Drive>: to \\<ServerName>\APF3812Home.

Microsoft Windows Network: The local device name is already in use.

This connection cannot be restored.’

Solution: Use the same User ID and password on both the PC and System i or map a network drive to /APF3812Home using the System i user ID and password (possible in Windows XP).


Problem: The PC cannot ‘see’ the System i NetServer Name through a search of the Network Neighbourhood and can because of that not access /APF3812Home.

Solution: Make sure, that the NetServer is started on the System i and you are using the NetServer name - not the System Name of the System i (APF3812/DSPNETSVRA). If the System i is placed in another Network it might be necessary to add the System i NetServer name to the HOSTS file on the PC. You can also just use the IP address as the Netserver name in InterForm400 configuration.