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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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Measurements in the Green screen designer

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Measuring Methods


All coordinates entered in InterForm400 must be dissolved into inches and pels - apart from the graphical designer, where you can also chose to work in ‘normal’ inches and cm.


It is possible to switch freely between the designers and between measurements while editing the same overlay.


Digits before the decimal point specify inches, and the digits after the decimal point specify pels and must not exceed 239. An inch is dissolved into 240 pels.


Examples of values:


Normal inches


Inches and pels




1 ½"



1 1/6"



1 5/6"







You will notice that it would be most convenient to use a ruler indicating lines per inch.


When multiplying and subtracting values it might seem a little more complicated, the following are examples and the formulas used to solve it:


3,100 +1,200 = 4,+300  => 4+1,(300-240)        = 5,060

3,100 -        1,200 = 2,-100   => 2 -1,(240-100)        = 1,140



Orientation of design elements


The rotation and positioning of elements depends in the New Behaviour option on the overlays.


If New behaviour is activated you can rotate the complete overlay by changing the main rotation and all elements are positioned with the upper left corner as a reference - for all rotations.


If New behaviour is disabled, then rotation is handled differently (like in the pre 2017 versions):


All positions are measured absolute to the upper left corner of the page, but depending on the type of overlay element and rotation of the page:


Tabulators, images, PCL files.        

Relative to the upper left corner depending on the rotation specified by Rotation under global settings.


Texts and remap window.

Rotation is set on the element independently of the overlay rotation.


Frames and lines:

Relative to the upper left corner of a Portrait page, regardless of the rotation specified in the global settings.


TIP: The tool, Convert pixels can help you to convert measurements.