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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Barcodes

QR Barcodes

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The QR barcodes are created as a font number (via options: 80. Administering InterForm400, 4. Work with fonts, 1. Description of additional fonts for PCL/PDF or 11. Description of ZEBRA fonts for label file sets) as font numbers with a number in the 42xx range:


(General information of 2D barcodes are found here.)


         Change font                                                  APF370D  


Font  . . . . . . . . . . :  4200  QR Bar Code - Model 2                      


Description . . . . . . . . QR size 10                                        


Module size . . . . . . . . 10    1-99                                        


Version . . . . . . . . . . 5    1-40, blank=as small as possible            

Error correction level  . . L     L, M, Q, H                                  


Line separator  . . . . . . 1     1=A blank, 2=CR, 3=CRLF, 4=None,            

                                   5=Fixed, 6=Fixed (trim last line)          


Hex byte prefix . . . . . .     Blank=Input does not contain hex bytes      


UCC/EAN . . . . . . . . . . N     (Y N)                                      

Swiss Payment Standard  . . N     (Y N)                                                                                  

Base64 encoding . . . . . . N     (Y N)                                                                              


Version 5 has 37 x 37 modules. Max capacity 154 alfanumeric chars.        

Height/Width inches 1,23                  

F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                          



The options are:


Module size

The size of the QR barcodes are setup in 300 DPI (Dots Per Inch) for PCL/PDF file sets, and in the printer resolution for label file sets (ZPL and DP).

In 300 DPI a dot is 1/300 inches= 0.003333 inches = 0.008466 cm.

In 203 DPI a dot is 1/203 inches= 0.004926 inches = 0.012512 cm.


The module size sets the size of each small dot/box in the QR barcode. The final size of the module (or box) is the number of dots selected times the size of a single dot.


So in 300 DPI a module size of 4 means:

4*0.003333 inches = 0.01333 inches = 0.033866 cm.



The versions can be used for setting a specific size of the QR barcode independently of the amount of data, that is inserted. If the version option is blank, the size of the barcode will be as small as possible (unless the Swiss Payment standard option below is activated) with the specified module size and the specific input data, that is remapped.



Error correction level

This can be used for setting up how robust the QR barcodes should be when it comes to damages. The levels are listed in order, where L is the lowest error correction level and H is the highest error correction level. The higher the level, the larger the barcode will be.


Line separator and Hex byte prefix

The explanation for these options are listed here.



Option to tell InterForm400 to create UCC/EAN barcodes. If in doubt this should be set to 'N'.


When you enter the specifications of the QR barcode the final size of the barcode is calculated if possible. The limit of supported alphanumeric character is also displayed in the bottom - if known. An example is shown above, where the barcode size is 1.23 Inches in both directions, and the supported alphanumeric characters, that be included in the barcode is 154.


Additional information of the QR barcode can be found here:


Swiss Payment Standard

If you want to create a 46x46 mm QR barcode with the Swiss flag inside to be used for a Swiss invoice, then you should activate this option.


To fit the standard you need to state a module size (any value can be used as this is ignored), version must be blank (which will make the InterForm400 use the largest possible module size) and Error correction level =M.


The contents of the QR barcode is not validated by InterForm400 and it is the responsibility of the user to ensure, that valid data is used.


A requirement for this barcode is that the merge for PCL printing use a color printer type. For black/white printing you should use either the *BW or the *BWD printer type for the merge.


In order to combine the multiple fields into one barcode it is recommended to consider to use the concat element.


How to implement CR and LF

As a part of the contents of the Swiss QR barcode you will need to insert either CR+LF (Carrige Return, hex 0D and Line Feed, hex 0A) or only LF to divide the fields of the barcode.


Neither CR nor LF can be typed in a 5250 screen, so you should consider to define a unique character (that is not found in the input text) as the Hex byte prefix on the QR barcode specification.


If you e.g. define your QR barcode with the character, ^ as the Hex byte prefix, then you can add CR+LF in a concat detail line like so:






Base64 encoding

If you activate this option, then the data will be inserted into the barcode as a base64 data string. This will cause the barcode to be larger (or reduce the volume, if you specify a version).



This videos explains how to use the QR barcodes.



An introduction video to QR barcodes is included below:



Here is an additional video explaining about large QR barcodes for e.g. Tesla: