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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Commands in InterForm400

Save/Restore and Export/Import commands

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The Export Chart Command


Chart resources can not be exported and imported in the usual way through the menus. The APF3812/EXPCHT can however save resources for a chart e.g. in the APFEXPORT library, which then can be saved as a save file or as a PC file using the normal export procedure.


This command is used in conjunction with the APF3812/IMPCHT command


When exporting and importing charts the following must be noted:


•        Charts can only be exported by the APF3812/EXPCHT command.

•        Charts can not be renamed or deleted (from the export library), when they are exported.

•        Charts are not shown when viewing the resources in the export/import libraries.

•        Charts can only be imported using the APF3812/IMPCHT command.

•        Charts can be imported several times from the APFIMPORT library.

•        The rebuild/journal function can not be used for charts.


Prior to execution of the command, it is required, that the APFEXPORT library has been created.




The Import Chart Command


The APF3812/IMPCHT command is used for importing charts from the APFIMPORT library. Previously the chart have to be exported using the APF3812/EXPCHT command.


When importing it can be specified, wether or not an existing chart can be overwritten.

Important notes are stated below the description of the APF3812/EXPCHT command.


Prior to this command you have to import resources into the APFIMPORT library.




The Restore Library from Folder Command


The command APF3812/RSTLIBFLR command is intended to be used for support purposes to restore a complete library from a folder, originally saved with the command APF3812/SAVLIB2FLR.



                    Restore Library from Folder (RSTLIBFLR)                    


Type choices, press Enter.                                                    


Library  . . . . . . . . . . . . SAVLIB    ______ Name          

From folder  . . . . . . . . . . FROMFLR   _______________


From document  . . . . . . . . . FROMDOC   _______ Character value

Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPTION    _______ *ALL, *NEW, *OLD, *FREE

Database member option . . . . . MBROPT    _______ *MATCH, *ALL, *NEW, *OLD

Allow object differences . . . . ALWOBJDIF _______ *NONE, *ALL    

Restore to library . . . . . . . RSTLIB    _______ name, *SAVLIB  










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The Save Library to Folder Command


The command APF3812/SAVLIB2FLR command is intended to be used for support purposes to save a complete library to a folder. The file created in the folder can then be sent as an attachment to an E-mail. The saved file can be restored with the command APF3812/RSTLIBFLR.



                     Save Library into Folder (SAVLIB2FLR)                    


Type choices, press Enter.                                                    


Library  . . . . . . . . . . . . LIB     ______    Name        

To folder  . . . . . . . . . . . TOFLR   ______________________    


To document  . . . . . . . . . . TODOC   ______    Character value          

Replace document . . . . . . . . REPLACE ______    *NO                    

Target release . . . . . . . . . TGTRLS  ______    *CURRENT                












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The Save Library to Stream File Command


This command saves a library into a normal save file and copies the save file into a stream file in the IFS. You can e.g. restore library by placing the stream file in the folder system and use the APF3812/RSTLIBFLR command. The APF3812/SAVLIBSTMF command looks like this:



                  Save library into stream file (SAVLIBSTMF)                  


Type choices, press Enter.                                                    


Library  . . . . . . . . . . . .   LIB        __________    Name      

Stream file name . . . . . . . .   TOSTMF     __________________________________




Replace document . . . . . . . .   REPLACE    *NO_          *NO, *YES      

Target release . . . . . . . . .   TGTRLS     *CURRENT      *CURRENT,*PRV,V3R1M0.

Data compression . . . . . . . .   DTACPR     *NO_          *NO, *YES      

Save active  . . . . . . . . . .   SAVACT     *NO_          *NO, *LIB                    









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