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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

The Split Spooled File Command


The command APF3812/SPLITSPLF makes it possible to split an *SCS spooled file defined in a split definition without Auto Forms Control. You only identify the spooled file and an InterForm400 split definition:



                         Split Spooled File (SPLITSPLF)                        


Type choices, press Enter.                                                    


Split definition . . . . SPLITDEF  __________    Name                          

Job Name . . . . . . . . JOB       __________    Name, *                      

  User Name  . . . . . .             __________  Name                        

  Job Number . . . . . .             ______      000000-999999                

Spooled File Name  . . . FILE      __________    Name                          

Spooled File Number  . . SPLNBR   *LAST         1-999999, *ONLY, *LAST        












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Split definitions will normally be executed through a function B=Split spooled file in Auto Forms Control.


After running the SPLITSPLF command in your own program you can e.g. find the new resulting spooled files if you give each resulting spooled file a unique spooled file name and refer to the last created spooled file with that name created by the current job e.g.:


CHGSPLFA FILE(<Spooled file name>) JOB(*) SPLNBR(*LAST) OUTQ(<Library>/<New output queue>)