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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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Spooled File Inspector

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Spooled File Inspector (SFI)


The purpose of this feature is, that InterForm400® can look for a special string in a spool file and change the form type of the spool file depending on whether the string was found or not. This can be done without any programming.


To maintain SFI definitions use the APF3812/WRKSFID command. (See Sample SFI definition below). To use/run an SFI definition, enter a line in an Auto Forms Control definition using function 8=Call Program, and specify program RUNSFI and library APF3812. (See Description of the RUNSFI program below).



         Create SFI definition                                        SFI110D  


SFI definition . . . . . .   DEMO                                


Description  . . . . . . .   My test                                          


Search text  . . . . . . .   Total_errors____0________________________________

  Page . . . . . . . . . .   *LAST_       *ANY, *FIRST, *LAST                  

  Print line . . . . . . .   1__ -_72                                          

  Position . . . . . . . .   2__ -_18                                          


New form type                                                                  

  If text found  . . . . .   *SAME       Form type, *SAME                    

  - If not found . . . . .   ERROR       Form type, *SAME                    



When AFC invokes the RUNSFI program, it will look for a SFI definition having the same name as the form type of the spooled file. (I.e. if the form type of your spooled file is DEMO, the SFI definition named DEMO will be used).


The RUNSFI program then scans the spooled file for the search text string specified in the SFI definition (within the specified page-, line- and position-limits).


If the text string was found, the form type of the spooled file will be changed to the value specified in the 'New form type If text found' field. Likewise the form type will be changed to the value specified in the '- If not found' field if the text string wasn't found.

Finally the RUNSFI program will hold and release the spooled file - in order to let AFC process the spooled file with the new form type - unless the value for New form type is *SAME, then the spooled file will not be held and released.


Note: If a SFI definition with the name of the spooled file's form type doesn't exist - no action will be performed. All comparisons in SFI are case sensitive - including the SFI definition / form type comparison.