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InterFormNG Manual 2020

The color style:




It sets the color of the following elements, and the color to be used when filling out boxes:



Instead of selecting one of values from the drop down list you can also enter the 2 digit hexadecimal values for the Red, Green and Blue combination of the color you want. Here is a few examples:









The color below is:






A tip regarding reverse printing

It is possible to print in ‘reverse’, i.e. you can print white text inside a black frame.

The best way to do that, is to first insert a black box (with filling), then use the color style to change the pen into white and then insert the text elements. When you are done with the white text, you should remember to insert an additional color style to change back into black.


For reverse in ZPLII output (Zebra Label output) and Direct protocol the color style is ignored (thus actually not needed), but printing something twice in the same spot will make the output white in ZPL output. So the trick is, that if you use the color style to print reverse like described above, then the all outputs will be identical.