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InterFormNG2 Manual

Navigation: Workflow > Edit a workflow

Copy workflow components

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While editing workflow you might want to copy a workflow or just a part of a workflow.


For that you have these options:


1.You can copy a complete workflow.

2.You can copy a specific node of a workflow

3.You can copy a complete sub-tree of a workflow.


This section covers option 2 and 3.


To copy a node or a sub-tree you first need to edit your workflow.


To copy a node or a sub-tree you place the mouse pointer over the box/node, that you want to edit. Then this appears:




If you click this, then a pop up window appears:




Here you can now select either:


Copy node to clipboard, if you want to copy on the selected node.




Copy sub-tree to clipboard, if you want to copy the selected node and the sub-tree (any node connected to the right side of the current node).


After this you now have one or more nodes in the clipboard.


To insert (or paste) the nodes from the clipboard into a workflow, then you need to click the '+' icon, where you want to insert/paste the nodes:




Now a pop up window is shown and here you can chose to paste/insert the nodes in the clipboard:

